†† I †† (Voice Japanese, as well as text.)

Feb 20, 2009 00:53

[The transmission starts off with a bit of muttering, as if the person didn't mean to start speaking yet. Soon the speaker is ready, the voice is high and effected in your typical 'cute girl' type speech.There is a slight difference in speech pattern between the mutterings and the clear speech.]

Stupid Magu, didn't he say he would protect me?

Hello? Is anyone out there? This had a note to say use me, so someone must be out there right? Maora just suddenly ended up here not knowing anything at all. If Maora was kidnapped you must be confused, there are other people more valuable than Maora and Okorimakuri! There are also better ways to go about it.

This could all also be a dream, but I usually have great dreams.

Maora should give an introduction! I'm Ichinomiya Maora. The Treasure for the student Council of the Imperial Academy. It would be really nice if someone could explain a few things, so far everything is really confusing.

(OOC: The small text isn't part of the transcribed bits but is clearly audible in the voice transmission.)
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