Mar 20, 2006 22:42
Is it wrong that everytime I see a GO Train, I think of you? How I'm reminded of the time we went to the Leafs Skills and you made me smile and actually feel like laughing? And how that day suddenly reminds me of last Saturday, when you held doors for me and made me feel like you really cared for me? And how that day just reminds me of how badly I want to see you again and how much I really enjoy your company? All because I saw a GO Train.
Last night we had a great talk. You were laughing and poking fun at my Tellqvist fascination. I was giving you suggestions about your music and then convinced you we'll have a great time when we finally go see Ice Age 2. Was that lip service? Do I really have any reason to doubt you? Why do I feel as if you're playing games with it because the whole time we've known each other, it's been like one big game? I don't think you realize how much I would like this to work out this time. At least for it to go somewhere. You make me laugh...I make you laugh. You act like you genuinely want to see me and spend time with me. So why do I doubt you? Please prove me wrong. Please.
Well, I'm back on the dredded Depo-Provera (everybody duck and cover). But before that, I haven't been on one of the ghetto old-school TTC buses in a LONG time! The Cliffside route got those new fancy low-rise buses and all the buses I take to Seneca don't hold a torch to the ones in Toronto. But the 102 Markham is so broke! I had to turn my music up to one of the highest volumes because the engine was so loud. And I don't think I've asked for a transfter since I was in grade 9! I really miss my Metropass.
I waited a half hour in that darn doctor's office. With so many little children crawling on the seats beside me. Ugh, it was hell. And of course it would take forever because Dad said he'd come pick me up after work, and today is his birthday, so naturally he would have been waiting forever. And plus, my appointment takes like...5 minutes.
"Hi Hayley! How are you?"
"Fine thanks. I went to see Dr. Newman last week, had a physical, brought her up to speed on the endometriosis."
"Excellent. Does she have any other concerns?"
"Just when the bone density screening will be done."
"I'm not going to do the bone density screening now because you've just come off Lupron, which lowers bone density, so taking it now would be a false reading."
"Oh, okay. So here's the Depo."
"Great. So now you'll only be taking this every three months."
*pricks me*
"Oh, there's a lot more muscle in your arms now. That's why the needles hurt."
"I guess that's a good thing! Okay, thank you very much. See you in June!"
"Take care Hayley!"
Seriously, that was my appointment. I almost wish I could give the needle to myself and save myself like 2 hours every three months.
Tomorrow I must complete my school work. I really hope this strike gets resolved soon because it's really irking me. I feel so very very behind.
Hopefully shopping on Wednesday. Mom's bday gift + I have bday money to spend. If anyone's interested, I'd love a companion!