Aug 26, 2005 20:05
fuck... k its so hard to fucken write these entries.Each day i tell u more and more about my failures and flaws and fun times and stuff like that and recently all i can say is omfg im getting over relationships and blah blah blah! Fuck its all bullshit.. this hole livejournal is bullshit. Im sick of this fuck sumtimes i wish that it was as simple as him hating me and never having to feel more pain from everything.. but either way its not that simple... cuz i couldnt live without his friendship. Fucken eh.. but im kinda happy cuz i am sort of moving on cuz i like someone finally but im not at liberty to say cuz its kinda personal and if i told u youd all probably be like o really thats no surprise cuz u talk about him alot im so sick of these failed tries of competing to be the girl that wins ur heart... once u realise that i am the one u can come to me. lol as amazing as that sounds... today im going to ashleys to have a talk.. me and her have such similar relationships... fuck its so good to have someone to talk 2.,. not to mention mel! mel and ashley help me so much with this only in the sense that they have experienced it... other than them with that its CHLOE AND Smithers! lol... well i just fucken hope this all ends soon.. I hope one day i wake up and realise I Am Over Him.. Lol these are such pothetic livejournal entries.. like for serious! i wish he could see.. like seriously... But no hes just as pothetic.. so were not so different after all. lol watched the final episode of my so called life and it was amazing... AMAZING angela spent this hole time trying to get over jordan catalano and he realises that at first he thought it was that he didnt need her and he didnt need anyone.. but the sad part is he did.. and he gets Bryan Cracko 2 right her this indepth letter explaining everything only bryan rights exacrtly how he feels about angela... Like he puts such sad things like i hate this pen im holding cuz its not u im holding i hate this paper cuz its not u im seeing ...etc... and its so fyucken cute but he signs it from jordan catalano and she goes to jordan and she tells him that she loved it etc... but finally cuz bryan told rickey he told angela and its so sad cuz angela was like about to kiss bryan and than jordan came and got her and she got in the car and it was like a mysterious ending like so fucken sad i like cried my eyes out.. fuck why cant life be like that why cant guys just realise that they need us... or in other words why cant he realise HE NEEDS ME! like honestly:( but w.e all move on hes gonna die one day anyway... lol kidding but yah k thats all for now u pretty much have my hjole life storey.. anyway peace outt