What's new?

Sep 16, 2005 13:33

I find myself just posting these ridiculous brief notes to my RPGC blog most of the time now because the site eats up so much of my online energies now. It's still going brilliantly and I was fortunate enough to have gotten in touch with Kyle and we've worked out some jobs for him to do since Fafnir is not working out. Can you believe he actually had the balls to ask Lon if he could borrow our RPGC money to pay the rent on his fruit stand? The nerve! I told Lonnie 'hell no!' and that was that. The money we have saved for RPGC is not ours (meaning not Lon's and mine)... it is the site's. All that money (which mind you is really not much) has been donated by people who want to help the site become what we've dreamed or was money used to purchase boards there. That and Fafnir has already proved to me he is irresponsible, how could we trust him to pay that money back... and worse- what if he didn't? I mean I asked about doing the back-up so that we could save all of the site info onto a disk where it can be accessed if we get hacked or something. This was supposed to be being done every two weeks (for the past 3 months) and has never been done. I was LIVID when I found out. I convinced many people to come over to RPGC on the premise that we would do to-disk-backups every two weeks. Fortunately I also now have everything set up so I have access to the FTP and the files needed to upload and start new boards for people on RPGC. If I really want I can go into it and save all my boards to my computer or a disk. Lon also graciously reminded me I can host my images in there too. Gotta love that!

I've managed to go all summer without any mosquito bites and then Monkey started school... since he has I've had five bites. Now for those who haven't heard this a million times already I am severely allergic to mosquito toxin and it causes fever, swelling (sometimes to the point of bruising) and of course itches something fierce. I had two on my elbow earlier in the week and they swelled so bad I could hardly move my arm without pain. They were really awful looking too... especially since they get from the average size of an M&M or maybe a dime to the size of a dollar bill or a Hershey bar in a matter of minutes. Damned mosquitos. Well I finally asked Jaundice to go buy me some Benadryl the other night cause the itching and fever were so bad. He actually did too which was kinda surprising. He didn't even complain! But LOL go figure... yesterday I got bit on the forehead and didn't know it until Monkey and I started walking home. By the time Jaundice got home I had a welt the size of a box of Altoid's on my noggin. Okay now mind you it was itchy, a little bruised looking and raised up off my head but the worst part was that it made me look like I had Down's Syndrome or something... and Jaundice was VERY amused by it. Grrrr. He kept making smartassed references to it like singing that song "Lump" (I forget who sang that) and poking it everytime he got close enough. Thank goodness today the welling is down considerably. I wore my hood up when I dropped Monkey off at school cause I didn't want anyone to notice it and think I'd been in a fist fight or something. *giggle*

Jauny actually did do something miraculously sweet aside from going and getting me medicine at 10 at night this week too. When he went out for my medicine I was babysitting his co-worker's kids for the night so she could go see Keith Urban (some country singer... don't look at me I don't listen to country...lol) in Bozeman. When he came back he had a bag that was obviously more than medicine as it was quite lumpy. To my utter shock and delight he had bought me the LOST season 1 DVD set he knew I wanted (I've only mentioned it like every day for weeks), I wasn't gonna be buying it till probably November (around my birthday) since we've been so broke so it was a real sweet gift on his part. Every once in a while he surprises me by doing something nice that goes beyond the norm. I think when I finally get my Hallmark check from working Labor Day I'll find him something special... come to think of it our anniversary is coming up in a little over two weeks. Maybe I should get on top of that. Hmmm... what to buy the Jaundice. I should buy him some Gil in FFXI that would make his day. :p Oh hell no... maybe a couple more of those Twisted Fairytales figures or something. I wish it was easier for me to find things he'd love. I on the other hand am EASY to buy for. I am guaranteed to love anything he gets me... so easy to please. LOL

Things seem to be going well for lostalias at college, but she sounds like she's really over-worked already between classes, work-study, sports and the play she got a part in. I'm crossing my fingers she doesn't end up sick and exhausted. I'm, as always, worried about soopatroopa and heatherquee, I mean I know they are okay and probably really thrilled being together... but I can't help but worry when I don't hear anything from their camp. Was glad to see the little note she posted in her LJ that K has a temp job and an apartment. That is a good start. Sure wish I could help him get a new computer, I miss my K! But I am also really happy that her family is accepting him to some degree finally. That was such a big weight off my shoulders as a worried friend. I really look forward to hopefully flying down to Utah and being at their wedding in the distant (but hopefully not too distant) future. I've already got this really dorky gift idea for them that I know only we three would understand the significance of but would be really special. Now if only I could get some magical monetary windfall so I would have the money to do these things. apathy_io has been going through some really sad and hard things lately, but we had a great talk on the phone yesterday. Strange as this may seem she sounded almost relieved about her situation, maybe I'm reading into things by thinking that. I think maybe everything that has been happening to her has both a bad side and a good side and I hope that with time she will find the kind of happiness that it took me 25 years to know existed.

My family life (outside of my home I mean) has been interesting. My mother moved back to Montana only to now be talking about moving back to California because my step-dad got this great job offer in the Lake Tahoe area. I know this will sound weird but I actually really don't want her to go. *sigh* My relationship with mom sucks. Most of the time she makes me so angry and I don't like her as a person. She is so many things that I hate and I hide that because I do love her in spite of it all. Maybe she feels the same way about me. But I want her to live closer to me. In some weird way I need her. She's lived away from me for so long now that I finally know that's what it is. I may not always like her but I need her support. My brother moved into his own apartment with his girlfriend. My dad is probably thrilled. He actually called me back when he said he would too which is a first for my bro. I think one of these mornings when I first get back from dropping off Monkey I am going to call my bro up just to chat. Mom thinks I don't give him and his girlfriend a chance but she just doesn't get it. She doesn't get the frustration of watching my son grow up without any aunts or uncles. When I was little my aunts and uncles were a vital part of my life step or blood. Since Jaundice has no siblings and I only have Lacan that leaves him as my son's only option. I just pray that one day Lacan will understand that and do something about it. Before it's too late and he and Monkey won't have a chance to form any kind of bond. People often wonder why I have such a bitter grudge against mom's brother... I won't share the boring story but he really hurt my feelings once and it scarred me. It scarred me because he had once been that positive male influence in my life when I had no dad in it and as a little girl I adored him. He was supposed to love me and protect me even as an adult and instead he said some truly cutting words that I've never been able to get over... just writing this out brings tears to my eyes. I hope one day I can reconcile that with him and love him the way I used to again.

Well anyway I just looked at the clock and I need to get my chucks on to go pick up Monkey. Looks like it might rain... bleh. Supposed to go to a PTA barbeque in the park across the street tonight but I dunno if I am up to it. I am slowly starting to think I am never gonna fit in with the rest of the parents from Monkey's school. I'm just too different. Well anyway my pretties must be off for now. Love and good karma to all!

back-ups, family, lost, rpgc

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