*silent rant*
Let me just say I'm fucking annoyed. I am slacking today because I had expected to get lucky and have some fun shit to do online. That would be a big no. No one has posted. No one has been on the board. Nothing new to report at the fan sites I visit. I even uploaded some more of my LOST fanart. The discussion boards are dead. I photoshopped and I'm bored of that. Keani is sick and I dare not call and wake her just to make her entertain me. I don't wanna play video games cause I ain't in the mood. I guess I could go read... not really excited about that prospect.
Well I mostly figured I'd post this cause I wanted to give Jenna a link to a site/catalog she might like. My dad buys stuff from it and sent a bitchin' dragon thing to my son. Of everyone I know Jenna is probably one of the only ones who would like the stuff in it as much as I do. :) We're Scorpios afterall! lol So hey check out
Design Toscano Jenna!