The Cherry Blossom That Never Bloomed - Chapter 1 [Kouki's POV]

Nov 04, 2011 23:59

Title: The Cherry Blossom That Never Bloomed
Chapter: 1/?
Author: atmosphere_zero and misfitmisfit
Genre: Angst, Comedy, Drama, Humor, Romance, Yaoi, AU
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Strong Language, Men Kissing
Band(s): Born, D=OUT, exist+trace, SCREW, ViViD
Pairing(s): KoukixByou, JinxTomo, RenoxMiko, and more to come!
Disclaimer: We own nothing except for the plot, unfortunately...T_T. This is a work of pure fiction and any similarities are pure coincidences.
Summary: Had that one flower bloomed, things might have taken a different turn...
Comments: This story has two POV's for every chapter, so please read both parts for the full story. We wouldn't want any of our readers to miss out on anything, ^^

Ch1: Byou's POV || Kouki's POV >>>> Ch2: Byou's POV || Kouki's POV

Flip. Flip. Flip. My fingers were fidgety and my mind was reeling with solutions to worst-case scenarios. I admit, most were ridiculous, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared, right? Occasionally, I stole a glance over at Byou, who was pressing the back of the pen against his lower lip and staring at various sketches. He had been staring at them for over sixty minutes now.

Flip. Flip-

“Can you quit doing that??” Byou was obviously irritated.

Flip. Flip.

“Hehe.” I grinned at Byou.

He faked a pleased smile, then snatched the remote control out of my hand and tossed it onto the other nearby sofa. He smiled again and continued staring at jewelry blueprints.

I frowned. “Am I supposed to stare at you the entire- Ahhh!!!”

I jerked right up from the sofa because my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket.

I almost dropped it when I saw it was my parents on the caller ID. “Ahem, hello?”

“Kouki-chan, we’re outside, but the guard won’t let us come in.” My mom sounded annoyed.

“Ah! Okay, I’ll let them know and I’ll come right out to meet you guys.”

“Son, this is quite a lovely place. Is she old or hot?” My dad laughed.

“Uh… I’ll see you guys soon.” I quickly hung up.

Oh great… I still hadn’t thought of a nice way to spill the news…

“Are they here?” Byou finally tore his eyes away from his papers.

“Yeah…” I nodded. “But I’ll go out to meet them. You… can stay here.”

I was sweating a bit because I still didn’t know how Byou would react when he met my parents. Even though he agreed to meet them, I felt Byou might be offended by them. My parents were from the countryside, and although they are not boorish people, the high-class society were peculiar with their rules. I tried to explain all of this over the phone to my parents last night, but I don’t think they understood what I was jabbering on about. They kept waving me off and telling me to relax. I only prayed everything would turn out okay.

After I called the front gate guard to let him know that those “strangers” were my parents, I saw them quickly roll around the large, circular driveway in their small, red Mitsubishi. The car was over twenty years old, but my dad was handy with cars and knew how to maintain it.

I didn’t realize I’d be so happy to see them after so many months that I temporarily forgot all my worries.

“Hey, Mom! Hey Dad!” I hugged them both.

“Hey, Silly, what trouble have you been getting into lately?” My dad ruffled my hair.

“Dad…I’m already an adult.” I playfully pouted.

“Ohoho,” my mom giggled. “It’s so good to see you again, Kouki-chan.”

I grinned and the butler invited us all inside.

“Wow.” Both my parents gaped.

“This looks even grander than I imagined.” My dad was breathless.

The foyer was sparkling from the large, crystal chandelier hanging above. A round, mahogany table with a polished surface rested its three pronged feet upon the smooth, wooden floor. Majestic tiger lilies sprouted gracefully from the ocean blue marbles in the clear, glass vase sitting upon the table.

“Is she ready to meet us?” My mom’s eyes glimmered with excitement.

I chewed on the inside of my lip, but I shook away all negative thoughts. Okay, I could do this. I loved Byou and he loved me.

“He’s in here.” I quickly ushered them into the living room, hoping for the best.

“He?” My parents exchanged worried looks.

“Is this her brother?” My mom awkwardly laughed.

I walked over to join Byou sitting on the black, leather sofa and lovingly wrapped my arm around his shoulders. “No, Mom. This is my new boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you both. My name is Byou.” Byou politely nodded to them.

My mom almost fainted and had to be held upright by my dad.

“But, honey...we… you… no, no, no,” My mom shook her head trying to wrap her mind around what just happened.

“Son, I think you’re confusing genders. If you hadn’t said boyfriend, I might have mistaken him as your girlfriend.” My dad tried to ameliorate the bad situation.

“No. Mom, Dad, you guys know my preference. Why can’t you accept this as a fact? Byou and I are very happy together.” I looked at them square in the eyes.

“That’s what you said about the last one and look how quickly he ran.” My mom snorted.

I took a deep breath, then politely answered, “That’s because certain people harassed and drove him away. I don’t blame him.”

“Sure, peg us as the bad guys.” My dad retorted. “Okay, let’s pretend for a moment that we agree-”

“We do not!” my mom fiercely interjected.

“I said, pretend!” my dad snapped.

She rolled her eyes as my dad continued, “Yes, as I was saying, do his parents even agree?”

I turned towards Byou for support.

“We are going to meet them soon at the art gallery.” Byou answered in a deep, but soft voice.

“What a disaster.” My dad rubbed his face.

I rubbed Byou’s arm and whispered into his ear, “Please don’t take my parents’ comments personally. They don’t really understand us. Once you get to know them, you’ll find they’re actually very nice people.”

Byou didn’t seem convinced. I knew my parents were closely watching us, almost in disgust and horror, but I didn’t care. I looked deeply into Byou’s shy eyes, and cupped his face gently. I leaned in and deeply kissed him.

“Byou,” I heavily breathed, “I love you more than anything, and I will show my parents how wonderful you are.”

“Oh god!” My mom ran out of the room.

My dad cleared his throat, “Uh, you guys hurry it up, so we can make it to the art gallery. Your mom and I will be waiting outside for you two.”

“Don’t feel bad, Byou. My parents are just a little crazy right now. But they’ll love you soon enough.” I smiled as I held onto his hand and caressed it.

I was happy to hear Byou finally speak up, “If you say so.”

Unfortunately, my parents continued to make matters worse. During the limousine ride over they started asking extremely embarrassing questions.

“Do you boys practice protected sex?” My mom pretended to casually ask.

“Mom! Stop being inappropriate!” I cried out in disbelief.

“I heard on the news that male and male relationships have the highest chance of transmitting and receiving those deadly diseases.” She shrugged.

“Mom! Seriously, cut it out!” I was sweating with embarrassment.

“Then I have a question.” My dad invited himself into the conversation now, “Will you two have kids?”

I exchanged glances with Byou before answering, “We’re still discussing this matter.”

“So we’re not even going to get grandkids?” My mom threw up her arms in grand disappointment.

I squeezed Byou’s hand as a way of silently apologizing. Although I felt relieved when Byou squeezed my hand back, I still felt horrible and irresponsible about the way my parents were acting. They continued to ramble on, but I just ignored them. I prayed Byou understood that I didn’t mean any of the things my parents were spewing. I kept watching the road, thinking the art gallery would pop up any moment around the corner. Fortunately, it wasn’t much longer before we arrived.

The art gallery was bustling with people all dressed in spiffy, cocktail attire. I quickly smoothed over my jacket and straightened my back. I didn’t want to seem out of place for Byou. All of this alcohol and fake party chatter wasn’t my cup of tea, but I was learning to get accustomed to it.

I wasn’t that familiar with the rules of these high-society people, but I felt it was silly to ask if I could hold Byou’s hand in public. Hence, I followed my instincts instead and slipped my hand into his. I noticed him tense up, and my heart pounded. Would he pull away?

I felt so relieved when he held firmly onto my hand.

“Let’s go!” I smiled widely at him.

As we walked, I took a moment to appreciate the spectacular gallery. It was almost an art in itself with the black and white marble squares patterned in such a mesmerizing, almost blinding way. If you stared too long at the floor, I swear your eyes would go cross-eyed and a picture might have formed. The staircases were like those from Escher’s optical illusion sketches where you could climb both up and down on the same staircase. Interestingly, the walls were made of glass that was see-through from the inside, but reflective on the outside.

“Byou-chan!!” I flinched at hearing Byou’s mom’s voice.

She was an elegant, petite woman with a bit of a haughty disposition. Personally, I think she wore too much make-up. She swayed her hips as she approached us with a bright smile directed at Byou.

“Hello, Mother and Father.” I always thought it was strange that Byou greeted his parents in such a stiff manner.

“Hello, Byou.” Byou’s dad stood to the side of Byou’s mom, but a little behind her.

Even though she didn’t acknowledge my presence, I quickly bowed, “Good afternoon, Sir and Madam. These are my parents.”

Byou’s mother could hardly contain herself from erupting into a mocking laughter as she stared incredulously at my parents, who were standing beside me.

“Mother…” Byou loudly reminded her to behave. “We already talked about this.”

Byou’s mother rushed over to overdramatically weep on Byou’s shoulder, “But Byou-chan, why? Why? Oh why, are you still in love with this rat and his bumpkin parents?”

Rat…? I swore my face flushed red with anger, but I took in deep breaths through my nose.

“Mother…” Byou sternly replied, “You promised to behave yourself.”

“Byou-chan…” His mother continued to plead in a whiny, childish voice, “I don’t care that you love men, but can you not date THAT one? There are so many better ones. In fact, I can intro-”

“Excuse us!” My mom stomped her foot.

“Yes, excuse us!” My dad added. “There’s no way we will accept this type of relationship!”

Byou’s mom immediately stopped her weeping and pleading then turned towards my parents.

She walked over and smiled brightly at them, “Really? We’re all in agreement? That’s great!”

I gasped. “No-”

My mom cut me off, “You misunderstood us. We meant we couldn’t accept your rude manner towards our son.”

Byou’s dad snickered and Byou’s mom immediately jabbed her heel onto his big toe.

“Ah! Goddamnit!” Byou’s dad seethed in pain.

Byou’s mom crossed her arms and stared down my parents. “Well, too bad! I don’t accept your son’s love for mine. Hmph.”

“What do you have to say, fellow?” My dad asked for Byou’s dad’s opinion.

Byou’s dad first glanced at his wife, who glared at him, then he slid his hands into his pockets.

He couldn’t look my dad in the eye while he answered, “I don’t care.”

His wife gasped.

It was my mom’s turn to sneer, “Ohohoho! Maybe you should work out your marital problems before getting involved in your son’s relationship.”

“You old hag! My marriage is very stable. Thank you very much!” Byou’s mother sharply retorted.

My dad instinctively sniggered. This wasn’t one of the worst situations I had imagined, but it was getting there. Our parent’s first meeting was turning out to be a disaster. When my eyes met with Byou’s, I could tell he was thinking something similar. I tried to shrug to say that it was out of our control, but Byou didn’t seem to take that as an acceptable excuse or answer.

“Argh! I’ve had enough of this. You people are- Reno!! Reno!” Byou’s mom suddenly shoved my parents and me aside.

We spun around to see who could bring such joy to this temperamental, snotty woman. I rubbed my eyes several times when I saw him. Could it really be possible?

I could barely take my eyes off of him. I watched as Byou’s mom and him talking, but I didn’t register a word of what they were actually saying. My head was spinning, and my heart was racing. I couldn’t stop myself from coming in between them to hug him.

“Brother! I can barely believe this! Is it really you?” I was straining hard to contain my excitement.

It seemed too good to be true. By chance, I finally found my long lost brother, but he didn’t return my hug.

He awkwardly pushed me off of him and coldly stared at me, “I’m sorry. You must have mistaken me for someone else.”

I thought he was joking around with me like he always did when we were younger, so I decided to play along.

I slapped him on the shoulder, “Haha! Even at this age, you’re still such a jokester.”

“Kouki-san! What kind of game are you playing?” Byou’s mom angrily demanded to know what was going on.

“Relax, Madam. He’s my br-” I was interrupted by the happy, shouting of a lively, little girl.

“Daaaddddy!!!!” The angelic girl wrapped her little arms around my brother’s leg.

“Why hello, my cute, little princess!” Reno scooped her up by the armpits and held her in his arms.

He poked her nose then kissed her forehead, “Daddy’s so happy to see you. What took you so long to catch up?”

The little girl pouted and nestled her head against the crook of Reno’s neck. “Daddy, I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve missed you a lot.”

“Mmmm, I’ve missed you, too, princess.” Reno kissed her hair and rubbed her tiny back.

I was rendered speechless. My brother had started a career and a family yet neither my parents nor I knew about this? Could I really have mistaken him for my brother?

A beautiful woman came towards Reno and they exchanged a quick kiss.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Miko!” Byou’s mom praised her.

She blushed and gave a small curtsey. I was about to turn to my parents and ask them a few questions, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw them storming away.

“I’ll be right back!” I whispered to Byou, who nodded at me.

I ran out as fast as I could.

“Wait! Mom! Dad!” They were already getting into a taxi. “Waaaiiiittt!!”

“Son, we’re not going to remain in a place that does nothing but ridicule and mock us. Your mom and I are tired. We advise you to think carefully about staying with that new partner of yours. Goodbye, Son.” My dad slammed the door close.

“But- no, wait! Dad! Dad! Mom! What about Reno?” I yelled after them and tried to chase after the taxi, but the taxi sped away.

I didn’t understand. That guy really did resemble my brother. When he was talking with his daughter and greeting his wife, he gave off that same warmth he did so many years ago. But to me, he was literally heartless. Thinking back on his cold voice and demeanor gave me the chills. His outer appearance certainly did change quite a bit. He was dressed in a noticeably expensive, hand tailored suit and his manner was exactly like those of snotty, high-classed society people. Still, I had a feeling he was still my long lost brother, Reno. Reluctantly, I returned to the gallery to face everyone again.

“Kouki.” Byou greeted me at the door.

“Sorry for the confrontation between our parents earlier. Did you wait long for me?” I scratched my head.

“No, but what happened to your parents?” Byou seemed genuinely concerned.

I didn’t want to make him worry, so I tried to wave it off, “Oh, them? No big deal. They were just tired and wanted to go home early.”

Byou frowned at me.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to escape that easily, “Let’s go back. Everyone’s probably wondering where we are.”

He crossed his arms and didn’t budge. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

“Okay, okay! I confess.” I blurted, letting out a long sigh. “It’s just that the guy we met earlier, Reno, I’m sure he’s my brother. 100%. He left home a long time ago, and since then we’ve never heard from him, so my parents are probably hurt and upset.”

“But how can you be so sure?” Byou was very skeptical.

“I just know. I have a gut feeling about it and I’m usually right when I have these types of feelings.” I pressed my index fingers together.

Byou continued staring at me with his prodding eyes.

“Ah hah hah! Anyways, let’s get going. Your parents are expecting us for dinner tonight, right? Hah…hah…” I chuckled nervously.

During the limousine ride over to Byou’s parents’ house, I continued to jab on and on about the art gallery and the random exotic masterpieces that I really only had a five second glance at. Nonetheless, I didn’t want to get back to talking about that unhappy subject of my parents and his parents not liking each other or us.

When the limousine pulled up into the driveway, I was sort of thankful we had reached our destination so I could stop sounding like a complete idiot, but I was also dreading going inside. There Byou’s parents were waiting, and I knew they hated my living guts.

Byou led the way, and we stepped into a grand mansion. The atmosphere was cold and solemn. An eerie shiver crawled down my spine. How could anyone live in such a creepy place?

As I took my shoes off, a servant immediately came to bring us to the dining room. Byou’s parents and Reno’s family were already seated. Once again, we were the last ones to show up to the occasion.

“So, tell me, Reno, what are you currently working on?” Byou’s mom asked as she sipped on some wine.

Reno carefully wiped his mouth before answering, “Ahem, I am actually trying to get one of Monet’s original paintings to a customer living in Australia.”

“Ohh, Monet! Could we get one, too?” Byou’s mom quickly asked.

“Of course. I brought some of the catalogs with me today.” Reno smiled.

“Can’t this conversation wait until after dinner?” Byou’s dad casually mentioned.

“Well, do you have something more important to talk about?” Byou’s mom swirled the wine in her glass while glancing sidelong at him.

“In fact, yes. How about asking whether I even want a Monet painting?” Byou’s dad threw down his chopsticks.

“Excuse me?” Byou’s mom frowned.

“I think it’s entirely ironic how much of these painting purchase discussions require my say in it. Yet every time we entertain guests I am required to boast about the newest painting you bought.” Byou’s dad snorted.

“You never even wanted to take a look!” Byou’s mom raised her voice.

Byou’s dad ripped the napkin off his neck and threw it over his plate, “Then excuse me since I am no longer needed here. I’m going to get some work done and keep out of your way with Reno.”

Byou’s mom immediately stood up, “Go screw that young secretary of yours, you lying couth!”

Byou’s dad slammed the door to his office in response.

“Excuse me.” Byou’s mom quietly managed to say through her reddened, angry face.

She took her wine glass and splashed the staining red liquid upon one of the innocent, servants in the dining room before storming away.

Miko cleared her throat, “Ahem, I guess the time isn’t early. We should probably head out. Come on, sweetie.”

The little girl happily jumped out of her seat and ran over to hold her mommie’s hand.

“Here, Byou. May you pass these onto your mother later? Tell her that I’ll be calling her. Nice seeing you again.” Reno promptly rejoined his family.

“Let’s go, Princess.” Reno lifted his daughter up into his arms.

I envied that loving father-daughter relationship Reno had, but I was saddened that I was nothing more than a random stranger to him. I shrugged off my depressing thoughts and popped out of my chair to cheer up Byou. Tonight was such a rough night, and Byou barely said anything about it. I knew he wasn’t feeling nonchalant, despite how calm he had been acting.

“Byou, are you alright?” I rubbed his shoulders.

Though he nodded and said yes, I could tell it was a forced effort. I felt awful seeing Byou torn in such a state. His parents always managed to inflict indirect damaging pain on him. I wanted to relieve some of Byou’s heavy burdens, but I haven’t been granted access yet into the depths of Byou’s heart. I like to think that I’ve at least captured Byou’s heart, but there are still many layers I needed to peel off.

An idea popped into my mind, “How about we go get some ice cream?”

Byou merely shrugged. I pretended Byou wholeheartedly agreed and quickly ushered him out the door. The faster we left this house, the better.

At the ice cream shop, I ended up ordering a Banana Sunday Split since Byou couldn’t decide what flavor he wanted. Byou barely took any bites that I had to threaten to tickle and make-out with him in public to help me finish it.

I tried to tell Byou as many ridiculous stories and jokes as I knew, and towards the end of the night I was rewarded by Byou’s handsome smiles.

Once we arrived home, I felt so relieved and refreshed after showering. I was happy to be able to snuggle with Byou in bed that night.

“You know, Byou, I think the parent meeting turned out better than I had imagined.” I chuckled.

“I think it could have been better.” Byou jokingly punched my shoulder.

“Seriously, I’ve been having nightmares these past few days that you would be kidnapped by some mysterious gangsters that were sent by your parents and then.. .and then I ran around searching for you … for day on end, and I could never find you. I had lost you… forever.” I dramatized my story with sound effects and hand gestures.

Byou gave me an incredulous stare, “You’re being ridiculous.”

“But… but…” I pretended to feel hurt. “You never know…”

“We both have work tomorrow. “ Byou changed the subject.

“Just saying.” I playfully teased.

“Good night.” Byou closed his eyes.

I smiled and hugged Byou closer against my chest. Every moment I spent with Byou still amazed me. When we first met, I remember Byou barely giving me any attention, but now Byou was the center of my universe. I don’t ever want to return to my single life. I love Byou too much to let him go, regardless of the obstacles that may come between us.

“I love you, Byou.” I whispered, kissing his forehead.

That night, I slept peacefully for the first time in several days.


Yay!!!! I'm happy to be collaborating with atmosphere_zero on this story. I love Kouki from D=OUT, but I have to admit, it has been kind of strange getting into his head, XPPPP

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this first chapter and would like to read more ^^

d=out, fanfiction, born, screw, vivid

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