My first live journal post! I never now how to start these things without sounding way corny. I'm still figuring out a lot of this site, but the main reason I joined was to participate in EGL sales community :). I can't wait til I can finally afford an Angelic Pretty dress! Anyway, tonight is my second night of my 5 day course to train to become an english teacher, so I can teach english overseas. It's my dream to live in japan, hence the course, and hopefully if all goes well, I leave in August for Tokyo!
It's really all I can think about. Japan, Tokyo specifically is my favorite place in the whole world. I've been there 3 times in the last 6 years. I love everything about it, and I really can't wait to be completely immersed in it. .....
and because I have no way to end this post, here's a photo of me at last year's Brisbane Zombie Walk.... enjoy?