
Jan 02, 2006 11:52

Hey I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!!!!! I hope no one got caught drinking and driving or I'll be seeing you at my work.

So as of christmas I now have a boyfriend ::jumps up and down::. His name is Tyler he's in the navy (I know, I know, watch carefull) I've know him since 5th grade and I don't know, it just all happend so fast..Literally. So yeah. He's station in Mississippi, Golf port to be exact. So I only get to see him when he is in town. I've alread had some problems with friends (guy friends) not likeing the idea that I have a bf... it seems everyone is to chinken to ask untill it is to late...Hmmm. But they have to deal. I've also had some problems with girls that like him and are upset at the fact that we're going out (random letters on myspace).

I can't wait for Carissa to come home, I Miss my sexy one.

Denise we need to hang out!!! I'm not gunna lose you again.

And my new years resolution is..... To travel by plane (Washington state, Guam, And Mississippi), make this long distance relationship work, and to move out of my house (I need a reliable room mate!!!)
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