Jul 03, 2005 00:55

Oh My Effing- G! Holy shiiit!!! The best night of my life has just come to an end and all I want to do is re-live it over and over and over again. I live in Michigan and let me tell you, people, if you have never had an interest in coming to my mitten-shaped state, think again. Every year, about 15 minutes from me, there is a huge ass weekish-long concert after concert thing. Last year, Nickelback came and a BUNCH of other big-name bands. This year, it was Seether. Let me just tell you, they rocked my sox off and then back on again.

Anyway...there were two opening bands. One was called Dark New Day and the other was...*brainfart*...I can't remember atm....but they were AWESOME and a half! Head-banging music times three! Anyway, before the concerts actually started, my sister and I walked through the Art Fair and then through the carnival, meeting a ass-load of our friends on the way. Lots of walking involved my friends...

Okay, so, here's me, scoping out ALL of the hott punker/emo/skater guys. My sis and I decide to rest in the shade against a fence and we're watching all of the people come in. After awhile we get up and start thinking of playing a few games to pass the time. Well, we walk past this guy and his friends and let me tell you! Can you say HOTT?! I was looking at him for the longest time and then my sis pulled me away and we walked more. Well, after passing him for the 50th time *carnivals ARE NOT that huge* I decided to head in near the stage.

We find a bazillion friends as we walk in and from there the night gets a hell of a lot better. My friend Louis met us (mind you he wasn't supposed to be there) and he was looking for this guy named Luke. Well, we found him.....*long pause* why do my friends know so many good-looking people?...Anyway, so, out of now where all of these people meet up with us and we have like a fucking posse. Seriously, there's like 13 of us walking in a huge ass group.

Arm in arm with Luke and my friend Kaitlyn we go tra-la-la-ing into the carnival and head for the Ferris Wheel. After spending an ass-load of money on tickets we split into groups of four and each get into one of the things you sit in on a Ferris Wheel. Luke, Kaitlyn, this other cute kid and I get into one and then...Luke decides to tell us he's afraid, no, deathly afraid of heights. So, the WHOLE time we're trying to calm him down and could the guy get any fucking cuter. He's holding my hand and I'm rubbing him back say, "It'll be OK babe, we'll get down in a little bit."

After that ordeal we head back into the concert area and 'mosh' for a little bit and then sit down. Then, Kaitlyn says she has to go and tell her mom where she is, so we go and then she tells me she got autographs from Drak New Day and so we head up there. The lead singer, who's completely walking hottness is up there and he and another band-mate sign a poster for me and he signs her arm. Then, we're walking away and I look back and see him behind us and then, out of no where he like rubs my back and starts walking next to Kaitlyn. We walked with him for awhile and I was like "Fuck he's hot!" when he left to go back-stage.

We meet up with Louis again and start walking arm in arm with him and all of a sudden he's like "Is that Ramone?" and then he jumps and yells "It is Ramone!" and he jumps over a little fencie thing and runs over to, you guessed it...the hot guy I was looking at in the carnival...*drops dead* *revives* To make my already long story short we ended up hanging out with him at the tail-end of the concert and I got hugs and digits were fucking day of my entire 16 year-old life...

P.S. I also got the lead singer of Dark New Day's guitar pic and I'm gunna make it into a necklace...!...yay!...
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