Mar 14, 2008 17:19
This morning showed me it's possible to get people to come around, as long as you have connections and stay honest.
Second period showed me it's possible to procrastinate up until the last minute (for some of us, the literal last minute -LOL) and still finish on time.
This afternoon showed me it's possible to just say no even if you thought it's what you wanted in the first place.
And now I'm extremely happy.
My dad is actually thinking about it. I messed up my t-scores, but oh, well. My HoD packet got turned in (even if it was incomplete -hey, it's better than nothing). I've come to the conclusion that Grease isn't going to happen for me. And now... now I get a short reprieve from the stresses of Advanced Placement classes and homework. Now, I have free time.
To quote you... this is... how do you say it... good? <3