Title: This Time.
Rating: PG-13.
Genre: Angst, AU, dark.
Chaarcters/Pairings: implied Claire/Hiro, Nathan/Claire, Peter, Molly, Micah, Matt, Daphne, Daniella, Adam, Arthur.
Word count: 2,781.
Warnings: SPOILERS through to the released episode synopsis for 3x12.
Summary: Hiro tries to create a better future.
Notes: Ehhh, I really couldn't have
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There's something nice about living vicariously through others' misery, isn't there? And we both know how much I love to abuse my favourite characters.
There's something nice about living vicariously through others' misery, isn't there?
Yes, yes. There is. I do find it somewhat weird though how we can love these characters but still make them go through hell. I guess it's while fluff can be nice and all, it's the angst where a lot of the really good and interesting storytelling comes from.
Yeah, and I guess it's like how pretty much every movie ever has some kind of tragedy or conflict in it, even if it's a silly one. I don't think we humans are built to appreciate others' happiness. Especially guys, I love emotionally abusing guys in fiction.
BWAH! By supporting incest, the world has conspired against you and punished you by killing your Photoshop. I hate to think what the world has planned for me. But, you know, I never thought I would support an incest ship. I thought all those Dean/Sam people were nutzo then BAM! Peter and Claire happen. Then I only sunk further and further and I can't escape. Not that I exactly want to at this point.
Especially guys, I love emotionally abusing guys in fiction.
Tell me about it. Poor Peter is like the abused little puppy that you keep kicking but he keeps coming back for more. You should go write some Peter/Claire porn to make him feel better. :D
I want to write Peter/Claire porn, I'm just... not inspired at all at the moment. I hoped I'd get Peter/Claire for my heroes_exchange secret Santa thing, but I didn't. :(
Aww, that sucks. What did you get?
I don't think I'm allowed to say what I got, at least not out in public. Not one of my favourite pairings, but it's my own fault for listing so many different ones.
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