Apr 12, 2005 21:13
bored..so heres a really really long survery
what is your full name?: Kaitlin Marie Frederick
spell your first name backwards: niltiak
date of birth: may 15, 1990
male or female: Female
astrological sign: Taurus
nicknames: Kait, Kaitster, kaitzy
occupation: nothing..?
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: hazel
Where were you born: in a hospital..?
Where do you reside now: delaware
Age: 14
Screen names: prettyinpink9840
E-mail addy: same as above @netscape
What does your screen name stand for: idk, i really like the movie prettyinpink
Pets: none
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 14
Piercings: one in each ear
Tattoo's: none
Shoe size: 7
Righty or lefty: righty
Wearing: my pajamas!!
Hearing: the radio
Feeling: completely bored
Eating/drinking: nothing
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff..
Have you ever been in love?: not like, real love
How many people have you said that to: alot! like, b/f`s? to many times, and didn`t mean it, but i say it to my friends all the time
How many people have you been in REAL love with?: like, real real love, eh, none
How many people have you kissed?: not many
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: on the cheek
How many people have you dated?: i don`t feel like counting, and remembering, but i`l guess like 4 or 5
What do you look for in a guy/girl?: smile, sense of humor, taller than me,
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: smile, eyes, and hair
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: emoish, punksih looking guys
Do you have a crush right now?: not really no.
If so who is it?:
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah
Do you remember your first love?: fake love? yeah
Who is the first person you kissed?: 3rd grade, this kid michael, he goes to my pool
Do you believe in fate?: yes
Do you believe in soul mates?: yes
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: i hope so
Family Stuff..
How many siblings do you have?: 1 bro
What are your siblings names?: stephen
What are your parents names?: steve ad kathy
How many siblings does your mother have?: 4 bros
How many siblings does your father have?: 5
Where are your parents from?: delawere
Is your family close?: eh, sure
Does your family get together for holidays?: yeah
Do you have a drunk uncle?: nah
Any medical problems run through your family?: no?
Does someone in your family wear a toupee?: nope,
Do you have any nieces or nephews?: no
Are your parents divorced?: no
Do you have step parents?: no
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?: no
Did some of your family come to America from another country?: idk
Music Stuff..
What song do you swear was written about you or your life?: idk
What's the most embarrassing cd you own?: um..idk? i like my cd`s
What's the best cd you own?: I dont know, I usually make mixes because i like them all.
What song do you hate?: idk
Do you sing in the shower?:yup
What song reminds you of that special someone?: hmmm, idk
Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs..
Kimberley Locke: who?
Avril Lavigne: she wants to go home but nobody's home. that's where she lies, broken inside.
Vanessa Carlton: in white houses...
Backstreet Boys: quit playing games with my heart...
*Nsync: dirrty pop...
John Mayer: fathers be good to your daughters too
Michelle Branch: cuz youre everywhere to me, and when I close my eyes its you I see
Creed: um..
Britney Spears: why don`t you do suttin
Good Charlotte: i`m writing you this letter not to tell you that i stll hate you
Christina Aguilera: im a genie in a bottle baby,
Eminem: and if that mockingbird don`t sing i`ll break that birdies neck
Kelly Clarkson: a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this some people search forever for that one special kiss
Mandy Moore: idk
Nelly: drop down and get your eagle on girl
Alicia Keys: some people want it all, but i dont want nothing at all if it aint you (if i aint got you)
Incubus: idk
Color: orange, pink, yellow, black, blue
Food: mac&cheese
Song: to many
TV Show: to many
School subject: eh, none?
Band/singer/artist: wayy too many
Radio station: q102
Pair of shoes: i like them all
Actor: johnny depp
Actress: kirsten dunst
Drink: iced tea
Soda: root beer
Holiday: x-mas and my b-day
Perfume/cologne: curious
Pizza topping: cheese, or nothing just sauce
Jello flavor: red
Card Game: rummy
Video game: eh, idk
Website: xanga
Computer game: idk
Number: 3,5,7
Cereal: idk
Comedian: idk
Teacher: kowalski, and leizear
Salad dressing: french, and ranch
Thing to do on the weekend: hang with my friends
Season: spring, summer
Sport to watch: football
Person to talk to online: my friends
Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits..
What color are your sheets?: white, w/ snowflakes
What color are your bedroom walls?: white
Do you have posters on your wall?: no, they fall down
If so of what?:
Do you have a tv in your bedroom?: no
How many pillows are on your bed?: alot
What do you normally sleep in?: pj pants, and a tank
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: see above
What size bed do you have?: eh, idk, it`s small
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: no
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?: no
Describe the last nightmare you had: idk
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: no
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed?: just 1
Any unusual sleeping positions?: I curl up in a ball and put the pillow over my head...
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?: never have
Do you snore?:no, i don`t think so
How about drool?: sometimes, lol
Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: yep
What color is the carpet in your room?: blue
What's under your bed?: dunno
This or that..
loser/wannabe: loser
Doughnuts/bagels: bagels
Day/night: night
Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: um...dunno
Heaven/hell: dunno
Make love/have sex: don`t care
Coffee/tea: tea
Hamburgers/hotdogs: ehamburgers
Rap/rock: both
Britney/Christina: both
Swiss cheese/american cheese: american
Real World/Road Rules: real world
Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: bsb
Silver/gold: silver
Nike/Adidas: nike
McDonalds/Taco Bell: mcd`s
Sweet/sour: sweet
Punk/emo: emo
Hot/cold: hot
Winter/summer: summer
Spring/fall: spring
Operas/plays: plays
Read/watch tv: don`t care
Cd's/tapes: cds
Dvd's/vhs:: dvd
Old/new: both
Shorts/skirts: skirts
Pink/red: pink
Colored pictures/black and white photos: bw
Meat/vegetables: meat
Mexican food/chinese food?: chinese
Commercials/infomercials: commercials
Scary movies/comedies: scary movies
Sandals/tennis shoes: tennis shoes
Dogs/cats: dogs
Water/land: both
Sugar/spice: sugar
Black/white: black
ribbons/bows: ribbons
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: white
Austin Powers/James Bond: neither
Popcorn/pretzels: pretzels
Hip/hop: hop
Passionate kiss/peck: passionate
WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: um...how bout no
Back rub/foot massage: back rub!
Picture frames/photo albums: photo albums
Pens/pencils: pens
What Is Your Opinion Of The Following?..
don`t care, so i`m not answering
God: Reality TV:
Emo music:
Valentine's Day:
Christina Aguilera's comeback: ?
Homosexuals: Abortion:
Inter-racial relationships:
Pre-marital sex:
Britney's boobs: .
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?..
don`t care so not answering
Tiffany: Maria: Nicole: Amy:
Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: yup
Been on a diet: yup
Been to a foreign country: nah
Broken a bone: not one
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: nah
Sworn at a teacher: they weren`t listening
Got in a fight: yeah
Dated a teacher: ewww no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: almost
Thought about killing your enemy: no
Gone skinny dipping: um no
Told a little white lie: yeah
Told a secret you swore not to tell: maybe like, once
Stolen anything: ha,
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: idk
Been on TV: i don`t think so
Been on the radio: no
Been in a mosh pit: no
Been to a concert: no
Dated one of your best friends: yeah
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yep
Deceived somebody close to you: idk?
Broken the law: not really
Been to a rodeo: no
Been on a talk show: nope
Been on a game show: nope
Been on an airplane: yeah
Got to ride on a firetruck: nah
Came close to dying: don`t think so
Cheated on a bf/gf: no
Gave someone a piggy back ride: lol, yeah, amannda jumped on my back and i fell..that always happens!! lol
Terrorized a babysitter: i never had one
Made a mud pie: yep
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yep
Snuck out of the house at night: yeah
Been so drunk you don't remember your name: no
Felt like you didn't belong: yeah, like all the time
Felt like the 3rd wheel: yep
Smoked: i`ve tried it
Done drugs: nope
Been arrested: nope
Had your tonsils removed: nope
Gone to camp: i`ve volunteered
Won a bet: yeah
Written a love letter: yep
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: sure
Written a love poem: yarp
Kissed in the rain: maybe once
Slow danced with someone you love: yes
Participated in an orgy: of course, nah jk
Faked an orgasm: nope
Stolen a kiss: Idk?
Asked a friend for relationship advice: yarp
Had a friend steal your crush: nah..i share
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: yea..
Gotten a speeding ticket: nope
Done jail time: nope
Had to wear a uniform to work: nope
Won a trophy: yep
Thrown up in public: nope
Bowled a perfect game: nope
Failed/got held back: nope
Got perfect attendance in grade school: no
Roasted pumpkin seeds: no
Taken ballet/karate lessons: yeah, ballet
Attempted suicide: i`ve thought/think about it
Cut yourself: yes,and i still do it
Childhood Stuff..
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: of course
Did you own Treasure Trolls: like one
Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: no
Did you play Simon Says: yarp
Did you watch Fraggle Rock: I dont remember
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: yeppers
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: yes!!
Were you shy: yep, still am
Were you spoiled: kinda
Were you abused: no
Did you go to the circus: yeah!
Did you go to the zoo: yeah!
Were you in a car accident: one, but it was a really small one
Did you build snowmen: yeah!!
Did you cry when you scraped your knee: I scraped everything and cried everytime
Were your older cousins mean to you: no
Did you think slinkies were cool: yep,
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: no I hated them
Were you afraid of the dark: yea
Did you have slumber parties: yeah!
Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag: no
Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: nope
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: yep
What are your grades like?: eh
Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: yeah, I wish Id work harder but its my own fault that I dont
Are you failing anything?: eh, i don`t think so
Do you take a language?: yeah, spanish
If so which language?: spanish
Do you decorate your locker?: my big siters did!
Do you decorate your bookbag?: nah, when do i have time?
If so, with what?:
Do you draw on yourself in school?: nah
Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: not really
Do you take art?: nope
Do you walk to school or are you driven?: my mom takes me
Do you like school?: no, i like the people, but not the work
How big is your school?: eh, it`s small, like 600 people?
Do you wish you could change schools?: sometimes
Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: no
Are you in any clubs/which ones?: nah
Who are your best friends?: Amannda Wood, lizzy Grosso, Danielle Pfeffer, Meg Wenerd, Elise&Carly smith, jenn terepka and mimz reynolds
Do you have a lot of friends?: yup
Craziest?: Amannda
Prettiest: all of them!!
Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yea
Are you friends with any of your teachers?: eh, not really
Are you friends with any friends parents?: yep
Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: yeah, i`m really quiet/shy aroud peopl i don`t know
Are you comfortable around your friends?: of course, otherwise they wouldn`t be my friends
Are you easily influenced by your friends?: yes
Do you have a lot of friends online?: no?
Where did you meet them?:
Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: i know them
Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: yes! fun times. lol
Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: depends who`s house it is
The Last Set of Random Questions
In the newspaper?:
Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?: yep
Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: I hate that show
Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: no
Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: no
Throw me some Polish names: um no?
Are you a germaphobe?: yes yes yes
How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
How many legs do you have?: 2 duh
Are you ticklish?: um..yes
Do you think too much?: always
Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: yep
haven`t updated in forever, so decided i would!! keep up with my life,a ndread my xanga, it`s my website thing.
<3 ya