Simply put 4E is fantastic. Don't think less of it because it's "simplified".
The fast majority of the rules are well thought out, Combat is a blast at all levels of play. No low level characters die in 1 shot or are useless and no combats end quickly with a lucky roll of the players dice. Nobody gets stuck playing a class that's there soley as support... hell you don't even need a cleric anymore.
The MMO comparison is stupid, Every single thing in an mmo a pen and paper game did beforehand. There's a shitload of supplemental material out already, adding tons of classes and races. There is no best class or best race for a class. You can have 10 10th level fighters and they can all be completely different as opposed to previous editions where they were all exactly the same because there was one clear better build and the rest was shit.
Since my daughter was born i havn't had a chance to run much but every bit of 4E i've played with anyone has been a blast. If you really want to check it out let me know and i'll just email you all the books in PDF to look through before you buy it.
Player's Handbook Player's Handbook 2 Dungeon Master's Guide Monster Manual Adventurer's Vault Martial Power Draconomicon Open Grave Manual of the Planes Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide Forgotten Realms Player's Guide Official 4e Character Sheet
The fast majority of the rules are well thought out, Combat is a blast at all levels of play. No low level characters die in 1 shot or are useless and no combats end quickly with a lucky roll of the players dice. Nobody gets stuck playing a class that's there soley as support... hell you don't even need a cleric anymore.
The MMO comparison is stupid, Every single thing in an mmo a pen and paper game did beforehand. There's a shitload of supplemental material out already, adding tons of classes and races. There is no best class or best race for a class. You can have 10 10th level fighters and they can all be completely different as opposed to previous editions where they were all exactly the same because there was one clear better build and the rest was shit.
Since my daughter was born i havn't had a chance to run much but every bit of 4E i've played with anyone has been a blast. If you really want to check it out let me know and i'll just email you all the books in PDF to look through before you buy it.
and i work at a copy shop...prints for free :)
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook 2
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual
Adventurer's Vault
Martial Power
Open Grave
Manual of the Planes
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Official 4e Character Sheet
Got all that ??? :P just checking
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