Item one being our garden, which is newly planted with the botanical spoils of my sheep and wool trip. We got three kinds of basil (thai, cinnamon, and fino verde), oregano, lemon verbena, two kinds of pepper (chocolate bell and anaheim chile), and two kinds of tomato (patio hybrid and green zebra!) For your amusement and mine, I have created this visual aid:
The new plants went in the ground on Tuesday, to join our rapacious crop of peppermint, spearmint, and catnip, and also the chives. Derek was finally coaxed off the couch and into the yard by my assertion that i had found the BIGGEST earthworm ever anywhere (or at least the biggest i'd ever seen- seriously, SO FAT) and he was overcome by garden joy too, and dug up a second plot for more veggies which we will hopefully purchase tonight. We need cucumbers and squish!
Item two is that because of my garden illustrating nonsense, I now have something for Illustration Friday! Which is a Thing where illustrators can submit topics and they pick one a week as the theme and everyone who wants does an illustration of the topic and posts it and you go
here and see all of them and it's good practice and fun and awesome and why don't i do it every week? Seriously, I've been on the mailing list for a year. Jeez. Anyway, this week is Seed, and some of these plants come from the seeds of last year's but ALL of them represent the seeds of many delicious experiments in summer cuisine. I can't wait to see how D incorporates the lemon verbena into tastiness, he wants to try it as a substitute for lemongrass...