May 30, 2011 18:11
and all the bells, they sang and cried
and all the bells, they sang and cried
and all the bells, the sand and cries
you took me down, to hell and back
on sooty, roughened, ponyback
a mouth, a kiss, a sharp thumbtack
against my
lovely girl, born of mud and spit
halo polished, dirty wit
all she wanted was decrepit
do love love love
all the king's horses and all the king's men
all the king's horses and all the king's men
all the king's whores and all the king's phlegm
couldn't put
little girl
back together
the blood she drinks:
a bitter wine
splintered teeth
dulcuous, refined(?)
spell me a friend
and buy me
a moon
to talk to me sleep
when mom is
couldn't keep out the tolling the bells
quasimodo he haunts me he tells me it's hell
i wish i listened
i did
i did
i wish
i sang
i cried
i cries
i loved until
the sand
and died