A::Age I got my first real kiss: 17
B::Band listening to right now: the apathy eulogy
C::Crush: mmm love.
D::Dad’s name: Mark
E::Easiest people to talk to: depends on what im talking to them about... nicole, matt, alicia, kelli, my mom.
F::Favorite band: the postal service
G::Gummy worms or gummy bears: sour gummy worms
H::Hometown: like where i was born? huntington.... but my home? smithtown
I::Instruments: nahhh
J::Junior high: Great Hollow Middle School
K::Kids: fat baby
L::Last book you read: pride and prejudice
M::Mom's name: Karen
N::Nicknames: Trace?
O::One wish: 11:11
P::Phobias: claustrophobia
Q::Quote: ohh i have many
R::Reason to smile: love
S::Song you sang last: impetuous me
T::Time you woke up today: sometime around 10
U::Unknown fact about me: how would i know it if its unknown?
V::Vegetable you hate: i dunno, i like vegetables. squash i guess.
W::Worst habit: picking off my mascara
X::X-rays you’ve had: teeth
Y::Yummy food: pizzaaaa
Z::Zodiac sign: pisces
+ Name: tracy
+ sex: f
+ Age: 18
+Location: room
+ Religion: presbyterian
+ Height: 5'5"
+ Shoe Size: 8
+ Hair color: strawberry blonde
+ Eye color: blue/hazel
+ Fears: losing the ones i love
[PART II] Have You Ever...
+ Peed your pants? yeah sure
+ Fallen off the bed? mmhmm
+ Fallen for a relative? whatttttttttttno
+ Had plastic surgery? yeah got a whole new face.
+ Broke someone`s heart? not that i know of... but probably
+ Had your heart broken? not really
+ Had a dream come true? hmmm i dont know
+ Done something you regret? yes, but i avoid regret as much as possible. i hate regret, its the worst feeling and theres nothing you can do to change it.
+ Cheated on a test? chyea
+ Broken a body part? nah
Part [III] Currently
+ Wearing? jeans, underwear, bra, 2 tanktops, sweater, various jewelry.
+ Listening to? apathyyyy <3
+ Eating? nada
+ Feeling? cansada
+ Reading? the words on my computer
+ Located? room
+ Chatting with? nadie
+ Watching? nada
+ Craving? nada
+ Should REALLY be doing? drawing, or doing some college stuff
[PART IIII] Do you...
+ Brush your teeth? mmhmmmm
+ Like anybody? in what context? yes, i love someone.
+ Have any piercing? 4 in each ear. want more.
+ Drive? chyea
+ Believe in Santa Claus? haha
+ Smoke? nah
+ Drink? nah
+ Have a cellphone? mmhmmmm
[PART V] Friends...
+ Who is your best? Nicole
+ Who is the loudest? hmmmm, i dont really have loud friends, id have to say patty.
+ Who is the shyest? hmmmm, dunno
+ Who is the most talkative? alicia
+ Who laughs the most? nicole.
+ Who have you known the longest? nicole
+ Who have you known the shortest? hmmm, dunno
+ Who do you miss the most? nicole
+ Who do you turn to for personal problems? myself usually.
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? not really
+ Do you belong to a crew? eh, kindaa?
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah
+ Do you consider yourself POPULAR? eh, not really
+ Do you trust your friends? yes
+ Are you a good friend? yes
+ Can you keep a secret? usually
[PART VI] The last person you...
+ Hugged? my mom
+ Kissed? my mom (on the cheek haha)
+ Gave props? umm no one
+ Talked to on the phone? dad
+ Yelled at? hmm, i avoid confrontation, dont like to yell
+ Checked out? umm, dunno dont think ive done that recently
+ Fell in love with? matthewwww
+ Tripped On? ?
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? a starving artist
+ What was the worst day of your life? life has its ups and downs, but nothing stands out.
+ What is your most embarrassing story? same as previous.
+ What has been the best day of your life? ive had quite a few good days in the recent past.
+ What comes first in your life? friends, family.
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? yes, boy.
+ Turn ons? laid back, patient, understanding.
+ Turn offs? loud, self centered, selfish.
+ What are you most scared of?
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? whatttttttt
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? my day? how much i want to go to sleep?
+ Have you lost someone you really loved? yes
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? once
+ Love your family? mmhmm
+ Love your friends? mmhmm
+ Have you fought? i avoid fighting
+ What are you addicted to? buying clothes..... i work at a freking clothing store for gods sake.
+ Want to move? eventually... going away to school soon.... live involves movement.
[PART VIII] Favorite...
+ Movie: romy and micheles high school reunion.... i know im crazy
+ Song: depends on the day
+ Group: the postal service... but i love so many
+ Singer: hmmm id have to say john mayer
+ Store: H&M
+ Relative: prob my brother
+ Sport: swimming
+ Vacation Spot: hmm dunno
+ Ice Cream Flavor: ive always been a fan of classic vanilla. but i like any ice cream basically.
+ Fruit: pineappleeeeeeeeeee ahhh omg yummmmmmmmmmmm
+ Candy: sour patch watermelons...twizzlers...kit kats.
+ Food: so many... dunno
+ Car: hhahhahahhahahasmarthahahhahahhaaa
+ Class: arttttttt
+ Holiday: christmas
+ Day of the Week: saturday
+ Color: green/purple
+ Magazine: hmm
+ Name for a Girl: hmmm, dunno
+ Name for a Boy: brandon
+ Favorite spot for a date: wherever
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: in bed hahahahhaa jk
+ Favorite resturant: hmmm depends,but im a pretty big fan of baja. or wendys ahhahaha whatta bum.
+ McDonalds: bleh
+ Burger King: apple pieeeeeeeeee
+ In and Out: hahahhahahhahahhahaaahahhahaa no comment
+ Wendy's: 5 piece chicken nugget all the wayyyyyy
[PART IX] Do you...
+ Like to give hugs? yes
+ Like to give kisses? yesss
+ Like to walk in the rain? sometimes
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black
+ Dress up on Halloween? if im compelled to
+ Have a job? ugh yes. its money.
+ Like to travel? mmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+ Like someone? love someone.
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? all of the above
+ Think you're attractive? sometimes.
+ Want to get married? of course
+ Have a goldfish? no, i have a betta fish though!
+ Ever have the falling dream? mmhmm
+ Have stuffed animals? hahah yeah
+ Go on vacation? mmhmmm
[PART X] What do you think about...
+ Abortion: avoid it if you can, but i'm pro choice.
+ Death Penalty: no way.
+ Bill Clinton: whatev
+ Smoking: yuck
+ Suicide: umm, i would say try not to resort to that.
+ Summer: hot, but so much freedom
+ Tattoos: yeah, mad cool
+ Piercings: yeaaaa
+ Make-up: yeppp