umm well as the official last night of that most of you fuckers that read this can do whatever you want im staying over at hartleys im about to go smoke a cigarette and swim like a motha fucka. Umm hell summer was pretty fun alot changed and for the most part i think it made me a better person in how i think and how i act. I think the best thing about summer is that it really shows you whos really truly your friend. When everyone can be doing whatever if they take the time to hang out with you when they could be doing one of a million other things thats friendship. Making promises and keeping them is also friendship. oh yeah i bought a headband from finish line today it was pretty bad i put it on and instantly enough blood was re routed from my brain that it made me want to drive a caddillac
, smoke menthols,
and play basketball

all at the same time.