May 01, 2008 16:46
My weekend of being too busy to sleep is about to begin. Tonight is opening night for Beauty and the Beast at the high school...I'm not entirely sure the kids are ready, but they have been known to pull everything together at the last minute and do a great job. I'll have just enough time to hopefully grab food when I get home, grab food, and hopefully be awake enough to work on my classes. Then I get to get up tomorrow, do another performance, haul ass from the school to Raleigh for Voltaire, do the after party thing, hopefully get in some kind of nap, and get up to haul ass back home for the final two performances. Business abounds...I'm just glad its finally a good kind of busy.
Just in case you were wondering, yes, I'm still in my crash. I'm just too busy to be able to let it drag me down. I really hope this weekend will help push me out of it, though.
beauty and the beast,