Oct 12, 2007 14:26
Just thought I'd throw in a quick update.
I've been a bit on the busy side lately. For a change, I've been going out with friends lately, which is something I've really missed. I got to do another show earlier this week, my first one without a rehearsal, which really freaked me out, but, after everything that was wrong with the equipment got fixed, it ran pretty well.
Eccentrik is just over 24 hours away. It has been a real handfull. As it stands, there will be a group of 7 of us going, so there has been the task of booking rooms in Raleigh, working out transportation, getting/giving directions, making sure everyone knows about everything that's been discussed. Its been a real task, but its going to be so worth it. I'm really looking forward to a night of drunken merriment with my friends, some of whom I haven't seen in quite a while. I hate excessive procrastination, but it seems I'm guilty of it this time. I'd planned to have most of what I needed to get done for the trip done and out of the way by now. I'm just now working on stuff. Last night's adventures in hair dye/hanging out with my best friend took up more time than I thought it would (totally not complaining, I had a great time), and I ended up feeling a little weird after I got home. I think I may have a slight allergy to either the dye or the bleach. Its nothing major, a few hours of feeling funny and a benedryl and I was fine.
I still can't sit back after Eccentrik is over. I'm going to be making my first trip to Georgia next weekend with some friends. Its going to be interesting being in three new places at the same time: new state, new city, new bar. I do have some of my usual paranoid/neurotic issues with it, but I've worked through the bulk of it and managed to mostly set myself at ease with the whole thing. The simple fact is new places scare me. New places without my "comfort people" (certain people who know my issues and know how to deal with me when I'm having them, people I can cling to until I feel comfortable) scare me more. I know everyone will be a phone call away, and I've let Jen know how I can get sometimes. I've picked up a few tricks for dealing with new places and crowds, so I think I'll be fine.
Ok, I've got tons to get done today, so I should be going.
Once everything calms down some, I'll update again.