Feb 20, 2007 18:38
I promised an update on the doc's visit...brace yourself.
Ok, I went to the doc yesterday. I was nervous as hell, but managed to keep my shit together...until the doc walked in. I instantly got bad vibes from him, but, even though what I read from people is almost never wrong, I give myself a little room for error when it comes to those in the medical profession because they scare me.
There was no smalltalk. He immediately starts poking and prodding for a few minutes...looks up and says 'you're fine.' I was a bit confused over him leaving it at that since everyone else I'd talked to mentioned the possibility of another ultrasound along with a hollow needle biopsy. I spoke up about it, to which he counters 'there's no need, we'd hardly get any cells and I've already told you what's wrong with you.' All the while looking at me like I was stupid. I inform him of what I've been told by several people and that, according to the research I've done, it was something we at least needed to discuss. Another dirty look and a sigh of discontent gets shot my way as he grabs a larger than life needle off the counter and drops it on my stomach. Sensing the situation quickly getting out of control, I mention my heart condition to him and tell him I'd been instructed to tell anyone that's about to work on me about it and to talk about being put on antibiotics. For some reason, that pissed him off. He snaps at me, telling me he's never heard of doing that and how he's never done it. I remind him that's what my cardiologist told me...he snatches up a script pad and starts scribbling away. Jason pipes up and asks him what he's doing, to which the doctor snaps, "she wants to be on antibiotics."
Ok, I hate antibiotics, they put me through hell, I never want to be on them unless they can help me. This guy was writing a script for one pill, to be taken as soon as I got it and to come back in an hour. The cardi doc, in no uncertain terms made it clear to me I needed to be on those things for at least a few days before I have work done and a few days after.
I'd had it, I was sick of being treated as something less than human. I sat up, told Jason to hand me my shirt, and started laying in on this ass of a doctor. I told him I wasn't about to sit around and not be listened to or taken seriously, and how I resented having a pill thrown at me just to shut me up. I told him I was trying to look out for my best interests and my physical well being. Once I got up and was reaching for my coat, he stormed out.
Ok, maybe its just me, but shouldn't a doctor...or anyone else in the so called "healing arts" listen to their patients? Shouldn't they realize someone is either nervous or terrified to be in a doc's office and that talking to them, especially hearing them out could help them? It seemed like he was pissed that I knew what I was talking about and wasn't letting him push me around. I've been pushed around by the medical community, and I don't fucking like it. I've become the patient from hell, not afraid to speak up when I don't like what's happening, and showing up prepared and educated.
I wanted to hurt him...I wanted to shove his glasses down his throat, but I managed to keep myself together. Sure, I raised my voice and snapped at him, but that was in response to him already doing those things to me. I was willing to listen to what he had to say..he didn't give a damn about what I had to say.
According to him, I'm ok and the thing in me is nothing to worry about, but, given who it came from, I think I'm going to see about a second opinion. The problem with that is, I lucked out and the hospital payed for all this, I don't know if they will be willing to do it again. We sure as fuck can't afford it.
I planned on making a few calls to complain about this fucker, but didn't have time today. Its not like I'd really be making trouble, my girly doc asked me to keep her up to date about everything that's happening. I met an asshole surgeon and he treated me badly, that's what happened, and that's what I'm telling her.
I'm still a little bitter, but I'm mainly still shocked that someone who has been in the medical industry for as long as he has would act like that...he graduated sometime in the 70s. I'm appalled that he thinks his patients shouldn't be listened to.
In short, if any of you are ever around here and need to see a surgeon at Kernodle Clinic...the one by the hospital...avoid Larry C. Crawford, MD...he'll treat you like shit.
On an up note...that was the first time I've really stood up for myself and made a bully back down. Despite getting angry, I'm feeling pretty good right now. As badly as things went, I think I needed it.
bad doctor,