So I'm way too tired and angry to write something nice, so everything under this cut is going to be me bitching at everything I can think of for a little while. Don't feel obligated to read it. XD
Halloween was fun and dinner last night was really good, though. Beef and Onion Stew (with carrots and noodles). I made it all by myself. =D
So. It's November 1st. NaNoWriMo starts today. I should at least be on my way to 1,667 words. But I'm not. Because I've got nothing. No characters that I connect with, no plot bunnies, a vague setting, but it flickers like an effing broken TV. I've been trying to come up with ideas for three weeks now. I thought that characters would be easy for me, at least. They always have been. But not this time. And I got Kadie and Keira to do NaNo, too. And they both have excellent ideas complete with character, plot, and a 30 day guarauntee. (I swear, if they complain about their "lack of" anything ONE more time...) I was always the 'writer' in the group, you know? But now I don't have that, and everyone else does. I felt the other day like the things I had used to identify myself with had slipped away from me. I thought NaNo would be my comeback. YEAH, RIGHT. Maybe I just won't do it this year. It will feel like I've given up, but... You know.
And I have cramps. And a yeast infection. And possible a gastrointestinal fungus. And I smashed my fingers.
And the next time someone does something I tell them not to do, they're getting bitched at. If I want you to leave me alone, you shoud leave me alone. If I want you to shut up and am screaming at you so, you should shut up. Cuddling is fine, but if I say 'stop tickling me' or 'keep the hand above the waistline, that makes me uncomfortable,' you had better bloody well respect what I want. Don't throw off my cleaning or cooking groove. There's a way it's got to go. GOD, I'm just so pissed off!! And I'm ranting here. Because that's what journals are for, for ranting out your dumb, angry things that really won't matter in a couple days. (Or they will, but the rant will help.) Because I don't like those people now who rant to everyone they know about how they're life sucks whe it really doesn't, who think they're bipolar when they're not, who go and talk about things they think they know about.
And lay off the Catholic Church, people! Jeez, guys, give them an effing break. There's stuff wrong with it, but you're not perfect, either. Don't hate. And stop writing stuff where everything bad has stemmed from some secret evil organization funded by the Pope or whatnot. It's getting old, and it's blasphemy, and ya'll know it.
I'm tired of 'who loves who more' contests.
And I'm just really super tired from everything. I need to sleep and then sit down and have a good cry. But it always threatens to happen while I'm at school. Worst place, right? Jeez.
Wow, that was random and mean-spirited. But I just needed to flame everything I could think of for a bit. I'll feel bad about this later. Fuck emotions forever.