I never update my Journal. I am the worst person. I'm like some creepy lurker who just lurks but never, you know, updates.
Anyway, what ever I'm updating now. My brother is playing with GarageBand and making me want to claw my brain out so excuse me if I'm a bit grumpy.
1. Ok so I haven't been to school for nigh on three weeks now because I almost fractured by ankle by falling down the stairs outside my school. On one hand it was kinda awesome and funny because I got a whole week off and it got better in a few days, (my mum was freaking out and made me sit down for most of the week). Also while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up, Claire was sitting with me in the SickBay and telling me all the creepy shit she had seen as a life guard and gymnast. I was just being a big baby so snaps to Claire for calming me down (lowest pain threshold ever) on the other hand I had to visit the nearest hospital which happened to be Footscray Public. Ew. If I can help it I am never ever stepping foot in the place again because it's just an awful portrayal of the public hospital system. It was just yellowing and disgusting and gross and I never want to even think about the place again.
That wasn't the weirdest part of that week because the Tuesday before I got really drunk and chaos ensured *waves arms*. Ok so it was the day before Anzac day which for those who may not know is the Australian celebration for those killed in WW1. We got a day off on Wednesday and me and Eve where gonna 'sleep' at Fran's house. So we got the booze (Passion Pop the tween chuck of choice) and Fran's sister Audrey and Aud's friend Laura came with and we decided to go down to North Melbourne (or maybe East, or South) and we where drinking on the streets and we gradually made our way to Southern Cross Station. It was completely stupid, because by then we where completely off our heads especially Fran, and we where just running around this completely pubic place at 12.00 at night. After a while it got kind of heavy and Fran was crying and begging to call her ex because 'he was the only one who would ever love her'.
What.Ever. I'm saying it now because I feel so strongly about this. No one should rely on their boyfriend to feel valid, Fran is gorgeous and her ex (or maybe current, kinda out of the loop at the mo) while perhaps not a disgusting human being should realize that if he really loves her he should just make a choice either way. Together or not ya know, because the constant change is totally unhealthy. Anyway so the night was getting darker in more ways then one, so we decided to trot off home. I'd like to air a thank you to Fran's little sis Audrey who was the only one of us remotely sober at this point, she was awesome. I'm pretty sure we would be dead, or raped or something awful if she hadn't been there. The trotting was going great until we got off at the wrong train stop, in South Kensington. We walked all the way up the street to one of Fran's old friends house. then we walked allll the way back home. Which is aprox. two ks up and down hill. I was pretty good by then, and Eve was starting to sober up too. We got home around two and just crashed into bed.
I woke up in the morning with a hangover and realized I'd ruined my favorite pair of shoes. The night's soundtrack was HelloGoodbye, it was playing down low when I woke up in the morning as Eve (snuggle up against the gas heater) manned the ipod.
2. The last two weeks I have been doing Work Experience. Most kids go through Primary School and Early HighSchool with like this idea that work experience is all free popcorn and fifty dollars and hour. So not, I've basically been filing and date entrying for the past two weeks. I did my first week at a Printing Company because I'm interested in Graphic Design (go figure that out) and by the end I was bored out of my skull. There was this really skeezy old guy and this really cute guy who looked like Hamish Blake (only Australian's will get that reference so here
is a picture-
. He's a radio jockey. Adorable) and the people upstairs swore alot, complained about their job and had stupid ideas about global warming (ignore it) and the Y2k bug (don't even get me started). That pretty much sums up my week. This week is better at my mum's work, everyone is really nice but I'm getting pretty much the same work. Whatever.
3. YAY!! Brought Veronica Mars s1 off Ebay and am so. phsyced. Expecting it in the next couple of days and then I will be (almost) up to date. Yay, Yay, Yay. It'll be salve to my soul because there has been precious little new L/V fiction in the last few days. Although to any VM/Buffy fans I highly recommend
The Red Deep. Any serious bangel fans will probably know Trix, but if not read her now.
Ok, so that's it. A nice ranty panty party.