May 30, 2013 21:30
Finally left the 6th form that two years ago I was contemplating even going to. Made some of the best friends I have ever had and for once felt almost as if I belonged. My life has never been awful but I was bullied in primary school and ostracised in secondary. For the past two years I have been a wallflower in a bouquet of wallflowers (I know that metaphor doesn't make horticultural sense but, hey...)! My best school friend and best male friend are likely to go to the same Uni (if we get the grades). Book friend will do a masters in Scotland then will most likely become a stand-up comic or benign dictator of the world. AG and I have become good friends and Enjy and I are talking again even though he's been a dick to me in the past. I don't feel the way I used to about either of them but they both have a very special place in my heart. Typically, I've gone and wound up having feelings for Proust guy (he looks like Jim Morrison but prettier so it's hardly surprising from an aesthetic point of view) but I somehow doubt that it's requited. From what I gather his attitude to relationships is pretty similar to Jim Morrison as well. However I did end up kissing his neck when we were both drunk and he didn't seem to have too much of a problem. Plus he owns a volume of Verlaine's poems that I gave to him a month ago with the words "Tu vas me rendre seule quand tu partiras" which I wrote not very neatly on the title page. Which is probably the most romantic gesture I've ever attempted. Jesus Christ! I'm eighteen years old and as still hopeless in love as when I was twelve. Oh well, life goes on...even if it is the end of an era.
(Please don't mention exams)