Sep 06, 2003 21:41
I seriously don't know what to do. Today was great! Well it was playathon so it can't be that good...but I was with people I like all day. Well and the fact that I love playin my horn and I love the feeling of doing a good job when we play/march. Yea I know I'm a HUGE ASS band geek! lol But I was also around the person that I kinda like all day. But I don't know what to do! Sarah's telling me to just go along with it and see what happens but I'm the most impatient person in the world! So who do I pick? I guess now isn't the time to figure it all out. Anyways on to a different subject... I got to see my DADDY TODAY! He was showin off his feminine side today in his lovely pink shirt which he thought was orange but whatever. Oh yea and my mom,Chris,Eric and Nicole were all there but they aren't as important as my dad and Leanne. Eric had his video camera so he thought he was cool but whatever! Oh yea he thinks Kramer SUCKS! thank you finally someone not in band noticed! I think Anthony should just keep takin his notes and playin them to piss off Andrew! I got sooo burnt today! My dad's like omg your like PURPLE! I felt like saying oh YOUR FAVORITE! Well I gotta go talkin to someone important....PEACE