Jan 27, 2004 08:20
Heh, I woke up an 1/2 hour before my ride was supposed to get here this morning, needless to say I didn't make it. Wow, I guess that sucks for me. I get to take the BUS!! .____o; No one who I know rides it in the mornings so I'll be stuck sitting in front of some creepy girl who is:
a. talking about how fat she is when she's really not and is just saying so to get attention from the guys
b. singing some retarded rap/hiphop/pop-rock song when she really can't sing at all
c. or some girl who is making out with her boyfriend in the seat behind me
d. the one guy who rides my bus who is not a creepy girl and is actually quite fun to talk to (this option of course is highly unlikely)
Wow, this is going to be fun. Well, I guess I have to go eat breakfast and crap so that i don't die from lack of nutritoin.
Tata. (: