May 25, 2005 21:08
I realized today after I went out to lunch with Hilary, and I was deciding in my mind how attractive I found her that I have a definite scale when it comes to judging women's physical beauty. The interesting thing is that I believe that most people even if they do not admit it, rate people they either date, or see on a regular basis, into seperate categories based on their physical appearance, personality and other traits. For me I realize that based on physical appearance, I usually divide women into 3 categories: cute, attractive, and hot. Each of these categories have some differeniation in them but overall these are my main categories. I then started thinking back to all my girlfriends from high school and how I would rate them based on this system. The interesting thing to note is that I like most guys, tend to rate women higher once I start dating them because you always emphasize their positive qualities and downplay their negative qualities. Yet after the relationship is over, you probably rate the person lower because you emphasive their negative qualities and down play their positive quality.
So here is a list of my rating of all my girlfriends since junior year of high school. I know that is 6 years ago.
Meghan - Cute
Sara - Attractive
Shelly - Attractive/Cute
Dawn - Attractive/Cute
Andrea - Cute/Attractive
Ruth - Cute
Gretchen - Attractive/Cute
Roberta - See Note Below
Kate - Hot/Attractive
Holly - Attractive
It is interesting to note very few woman every make it to hot for me. Usually for a women to be consider "hot" she has to possess more then just physical beauty. I have to relate to her well on an emotional level which makes her seems even more attractive in my book.
Note: - I can't rate Roberta...she reads that one will stay hidden.