Mar 22, 2007 12:00
Iam finally relieved that my stupid math test is over, i hope i get a good mark and just pass the damn test that is all i wish for. I dont even know why during the test i wasn't stressed. I think i came to acknowledge the fact that I gave it my all and whatever happens happens. Noone is perfect and that I know i did not get perefect on the test thats for sure. OH well..thank god thats over now i have this pop culture essay to write. GREAT. Remind me again not to take these stupid eng-related courses because frankly i hate writting, i really do. Ironically i'd rather solve some math equations then to think about writing a essay backing up my arguments etc. who0o i just wanna get a alright gpa..and get the hell outta school...wait.. i dont like working..which means..SCHOOL! haha if only school was extended into june that would be good because the deadlines would be spread out not like jamed pack into 1 freaking week where every assignment from every frikken class is due...frikken university...its like killing students..making students not study and do their assignments..thank god for me i did 2 of my essays and got them outta the just this one...and then im good agian..haha =) yays.
Its true! today i was standing at the bus stop with this black chick and this 35 D bus totally frikkin drove wat the hell it wasnt even full.. damn racist bus driver, or should i say damn you WHITE bus drivers!!!!! haha oh time i was on the bus with my mom and my brother was in his stroller and this WHITE bus driver was being a bitch about how the stroller was taking up room and blahblahblah its like STFU guy we paid our fare and shit we have the right to stay on the bus and ride the "rocket" in sometimes i just wanna shove the damn rocket in the bus drivers ass..anwyays...... thank god i wasnt late for my exam today..i'd be a hella pissed.