So I get this phone call from this woman and she tells me that she is calling to congratulate me on getting the "2005 Soroptimist of Davis Archie Moore Memorial Scholarship of $2,000."
That was insane. The only scholarship I applied for and I got it. It's a journalism scholarship. So I have (i mean get....) to go to the awards ceremony on June 1st and accept it and they read this personal statement that i'm supposed to write about what school i'm going to and what i think i'll be doing in the future and all....riiiight.
I still can't believe i got it, it's so weird. Never gotten anything like this. Shouldn't someone going to CAL or something be getting this? I mean i'm going to Chico.
Oh and by the way, this archie moore is not the boxer archie moore. Although that might be a little cooler if i got a boxing scholarship, even though i don't box. I always thought if i learned how to box it would be fun, but i'm to pretty for boxing, so you know, can't wreck that.
Anways, I finally have a photo album up online: I decided to settle for a little less than what i was going for in the first place, but whatever, this is just plain easier, haha. I'll be updating it randomly but right now it has a few prom pics on, if you want to check those bad boys out.
Having a reunion with my 8th grade bible study from FBC this saturday. How CRAZY is that? I can't wait, it's going to be interesting to see how everyone has changed since then....gosh we're all about to go to college or are already in college...nuts.