Things are getting a little better and hopefully that "goodness" stays a while. (Fingers are crossed.)
Had a weird event yesterday. There was a guy in his fifties (guessing) sitting in crismon red truck (ford I think) in the parking lot beside by apartment and along my path to the bus. He drove off after I passed him. So Ijust figures he lived in complex and he had to park there for overflow reasons. Of corse he park there foe the intend of reason, that he has business with the building there. Of course thebuilding doesn't open for at least an hour after I leave the area. Anyways, I got an odd feeling and I trust those feelings. So I kept close to entrance which I know they open for deliveries & per the building staff allow me a safe place to retreat while waiting for the bus. Here's the weird part. The truck that had pulled off after I had passed it not more than a minute earlier, came along the over side of the building and drove slow passed me. Slow enough I was able to capture the completed license plate. Then the dude pulled into one of the stall (about 3 rolls from me) and turned off his truck. He sat there for a moment. The bus I was catching showed up then. As it pulled up I kept my eyes on the truck. My phone had been out and in my hand since I passed him; ready to dial. As I boarded the bus, I noticed the truck start up and looked to be pulling off. The rest of my way to work (bus, Bart, & shuttle) I kept my guard up and eyes open.
Litlle weird and scary. But I didn't want fear and panic to rule my day. Instead I made it work for me.
Today I didn't see him. I left close to the same time & walked to the bus stop. I know bad me. I was on autopilot the morning. There is another nearby stop I can catch and I think I might start alternating between them. (At least until I move.)
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