So apparently I qualify for a 5000 grant from the federal government. Which is free money to me in case you were wondering. Apparently just because my life is in the shitter. Make better by the fact that I'm defaulted on my 2000 student loan through the federal government. My moment of irony.
I'm also now a criminal. For those of you offended my use of humor to cover up or make lite of situations please just enjoy the moment of irony and move on.
Because I'm probably going to make fun of my domestic assault charge for some time to come. Actually not so much a charge yet. Still waiting to find out if the Grand Traverse Prosecutor's Office is really bored. What do you know my family is just as fucked up as I am...and long story short. I GOT TO BITCH SLAP MY SISTER! And instead of getting grounded...I was supposed to go to "Washington Street" as Officer One so kindly put it. Ohhh yeah did I mention we had multiple police cars show up for a bitch slap. Well she told them I was gonna kill her and all that fun they did they're job. When they got here...they thought she was on drugs. And had gotten so word of her record. Which included asault. That was onetime calling the cops back-fired. When our father is the one with the bruises and you're screaming I'm gonna kill you...they do take you away. And because you're just 16...they hospitalize you. Suprisely this story is about my sister Amanda and not me. I'm telling you with all honesty my family is fucked up. Yes I do so love this cheerful time of year. So the moral of the story. I'm offically a bad ass. And I'll leave you with another great quote or maybe two..."They teach us patience." "Rules, you have them, rules, some people just can't deal with that." And yes ladies and gentlemen he was talking to my mom about my sister and her problems! So that's it.