Doctor Who Premiere/Weekend Recap (Three Days late)

Apr 14, 2011 20:18

Yeah, I've been so tired (and sick) for the past few days, that I was in no mood to write this very long, very rambly entry.

It all started last week when we found out that they'd be doing a DVD Signing of Series 5 boxsets. I SO wanted to go, but it was also during work hours, so I was very hesitant to. I told myself if they were doing another premiere over here, then I'd definitely do that as I regret not going last year. The next day we found out they WERE doing one and I knew I just had to go. I knew people would be lining up early so we at first thought about taking a train in very late in the morning, but I was kind of worried to do that. So we then started looking up hotels and decided on Comfort Inn on Central Park West. For less than a weeks notice the price wasn't bad for one night. And most reviews were good about the place, so we went with it! I told work that I had a dentist appointment that day (was very tempted to say 'I have to go see a doctor', but felt like that wouldn't be enough to take off all day.

Originally I planned on wearing my TARDIS t-shirt and when we were in the city, I'd just get Andrea a Doctor Who t-shirt from Forbidden Planet (as a Doctor Who fan, it's against the rules not to visit Forbidden Planet when you go into the City!) But then Barnaby suggested we go as Comic Relief Amy which, honestly, was a PERFECT idea. Only problem was, we had absolutely none of the outfit. So on Friday we went to several different stores and managed to get: the skirts, tights, watches and scarves. Realizing soon enough that we chose a bad clothes season to go looking for boots and long sleeved plaid shirts. When I say we wanted to rip our hair out of our head, I mean it. It was so damn frustrating trying to find those last pieces. So on Saturday we went to several more stores and finally ended up at the mall where we found the plaid shirts in Forever 21 and the kick ass boots in a shoe store called Shi! I've never really cared for that sort of style of boot, but I've grown to love them.

I pretty much stayed up all night Saturday, until around 4 or 5 in fact, excitedly talking with wicked0witch as I discovered she'd be going to the premiere and she's an amazing Amy cosplayer! Finally I went to sleep, only to wake up four hours later as I wanted to get everything packed and ready to go! We had brought backpacks to shove everything into for our overnight stay. And scored some pretty awesome portable chairs that were meant for kids, which also meant they were small and much easier to carry around. We got the train at 1:41 which got us into the city just after three o'clock. Check in to the hotel was three so it was perfect as we had to take a subway up to the hotel. Can I just say, that I'm getting pretty damn good at figuring out which subways to take! :D My direction is finally getting better. Sort of. Ok, it's really not. Reason being, we couldn't find the damn hotel for almost an HOUR. Why? Because I was look at the wrong 31. And where was the actual 31 we needed? Only a block away. Yes, you can smack me up against the side of my head. I certainly was and Andrea was very, very willing to! But we finally made it (after a panicked call to my dad and then to the actual hotel). The guy at the desk seemed amused that two people from New York were staying there and it took all of my will power not to flail at him and tell him that in a day we'd be seeing Doctor Who!

When we got up to our room (707, which meant we weren't on the first floor of a hotel for once! :D) I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. A lot of people complained that the rooms were small, but I beg to differ. It was the perfect size! Even if our view was of 'Pigeon Drop Alley' as my dad calls it. What I also loved was that we got free wireless, so Andrea and I quickly took advantage of that and went on Skype with Sketty24 for a bit and then with my other Doctor Who fan, Michael. We then got ready and headed down to Forbidden Planet to meet up with our new friend Barnaby. He made me spazz right away because he showed us that they had a Doctor Who WINDOW DISPLAY. It so mad up for them getting rid of the Dalek that greeted you as you walked in the store. Yeah, some stupid Twilight shit was in its place. I picked myself up The Brilliant Book 2011, which is shiny and...brilliant! Definitely recommend it! I looked at t-shirts for the hell of it, but none really stuck out to me. We hung around there for a little while, where we overhead that there were already about fifteen people on line outside the Village East Theater. We found out that the theater was only two blocks away so went to check it out. Seeing the line made me panic a bit as we honestly hadn't planned on leaving until the early hours of the morning. And this was at 8 at night! Going back to the subway I suddenly had horrible (and I mean horrible to the point where I was almost crying...not something I do often in public or when I'm in pain) in the ball of my foot up to my ankle. Just a lesson in proper shoe wear in a city, don't wear flats. We FINALLY got back to the hotel where we contemplated going around two in the morning instead. I was mainly worried about leaving before midnight because I wasn't sure if the hotel would actually let us leave without staying there for a day.

Someone was very smart and helpful and started a blog where it was updated regularly with how many people were there. The line was becoming longer and longer so we became increasingly panicked and after much contemplation I went down to the desk I want to say around ten-ish to see if we could check out. I got a little spastic and explained why, but looking back why would they care? They still got my money and could turn over the room much sooner. But we still had to great ready as our hair doesn't always look nearly as nice as Karen's does! I had a mild freak out when my curling iron was making my hair look awful and stuck my hair under the water in the sink to get rid of all the curls. Yeah, that definitely must have been bizarre to see from my sister's point of view. We got dressed into the top half of our costumes as there was no way in hell I was wearing a skirt then for two reasons: It was late at night and we needed to take two subways and it was cold as all hell! So we shoved that in our backpacks and checked out. Just as we were about to get off the subway, this guy gave us a creepy smile and asked if we were twins. I'm SO glad he asked just as we were getting off.

By the time we actually got there, there was close to 80 people on line. We saw Rachel (wicked0witch) on our way down the line and talked with her for a bit before going to put our stuff down. The people next to us almost immediately went: Wait, are you the twins that posted on facebook about your costumes? We looked at each other in shock, because we didn't really expect people to recognize us from facebook or dw_cosplay. Especially not right when we got there and NOT in the dark! When we told them 'yes, that's us', they replied with: we were waiting for you! Wow! O.O We chatted with Rachel and her friend also dressed up as Amy (sorry, I don't know if she has a LJ account or not). When they went back up to their part on the line we started talking to the people around us and I made pretty damn good friends with Beatrice (bfb) who had also panicked when she heard how many people were already there and booked it on a train from Brooklyn! I had planned on writing in my travel journal but between talking to her so much and it being too cold for me to comfortably write, it never got done. A little while later a guy dressed as Rory (also the third person in line) came by and asked if he could take a picture of us. Then said: this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity, but could I take a picture with you? It was so damn endearing, he was even shaking!

At around three in the morning I had had enough of being so damn cold so Beatrice and I went on a hunt at the local drug stores to find either beach towels or ponchos to keep us warm and stock up on snacks. No one had beach towels in stock so we settled for (very expensive) ponchos and got some banana walnut muffins (I tried to make a Doctor Who reference out of the bananas, lawlz). When we got back Andrea and I put on our ponchos and declared that we were poncho Amies! Yeah, everyone got it, that's what I loved so much about doing this premiere. My life revolves around Doctor Who references, but living in America, most people I know don't have a clue what that show is. We made such good friends with the people around us and were loud and obnoxious (and not caring one bit) the entire night! None of us fell asleep, except for the two girls that were in college and exhausted! When the sun slowly started to come up we were cheerfully greeting people, although most ignored us, we did get a few smiles and one: YOU'RE REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING, DO YOU KNOW THAT? At one point we also all yelled: ALLONSY, because...why the hell not?!

A lot of people would walk by and ask us what we were in line for and it was a unanimous vote that we would answer: we're waiting to adopt cats. But I'd always manage to slip up and give the actual answer! Someone further up the line also said: Jersey Shore movie which cracked me up. Once it started to become warm Andrea and I changed into our skirts and even more people began to recognize us, surprisingly A LOT of people asked to take our photos which made us so giddy :D At around seven I called my two really good friends from England as they were on their lunch break. But at this point I was so exhausted from being up for almost a day that I didn't talk for too long. I was also losing my voice as well from the cold that had finally caught up with me. A few of us went to this Ukrainian diner that was just down a few blocks, although none of us were really hungry and I only had a few pieces of fruit. I was feeling crappy by this point as it was cloudy and gloomy out which never makes me feel good. Going back on the line I tried to get some shut eye, buy putting the poncho entirely over me to keep me warm. But I just could not fall asleep, even after blocking out the noise with my iPod, I was still too excited! So since sleeping was futile, I went with one of my other newfound friends, Stephanie (dressed up as a femme Eleven!) and my sister on a walk up towards the front of our line. We were so incredibly lucky because just as we were heading up that way people started screaming and gathering and we weren't sure why. Well, it was only because MATT, KAREN AND ARTHUR HAD 'DROPPED BY' WITH DUNKIN DONUTS TO THANK US FOR WAITING ON LINE ALL NIGHT. I EVEN GOT A PICTURE WITH ARTHUR!!!! Matt and Karen were impossible to get by this point but I managed to record both of them. So here, have some videos:

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Needless to say, after all of that, I was DEFINITELY awake again. And texted my friend to see if I could call her, after explaining why I wanted to call her she stepped out of her office so I could! I spazzed at her and Andrea spazzed at our parents. It was hilarious how pretty much everyone on the line were calling up family and friends to tell them. They were so sweet to come and do that for us! People who had been to events like this in the past for other shows said that the actors would never do things like that for their fans. That just proves how amazing this cast is! We went to Starbucks several times for the bathroom facilites and wifi. Even though there was only one toilet so the lines could get pretty long. People somehow got ahold of sidewalk chalk and started drawing all of these Doctor Who references on the ground and the wall (which didn't fly with the staff of the theater who had someone removing it from one of the walls as they owner of the building was not happy). Later on in the afternoon we gathered up all of the girls dressed as Amy and took photos near where people had drawn a large 'crack' on this wall with chalk! We all called out for 'Rory' to come and take a photo with us, but he didn't get there in time. A woman from BBC America was also there and took photos of the group and then everyone individually! We asked if we could have our photos taken together as we were the Comic Relief Amies, she was more than happy too! And everyone was so excited when the photos ended up on the BBC America facebook page!

The day went by sometimes fast, sometimes slow, depending on how tired I was. We went on a lot of walks to keep from going stir crazy, that's for sure! I hadn't really had a meal all day so later on in the afternoon we got some actual food from Starbucks but I discovered I was far too excited to eat! We got some more group photos with people cosplaying and then the day just became a blur. The group we were with finally decided on a name! First we were: The Group Between Two Awnings and then it turned to 'The Kidney Stones' because we were right outside a Urology office! LMAO I had so much fun with all of them and we've been keeping in touch, planning some other meet ups in the future so we can all hang out again. <3 They soon handed out wristbands and our group got blue ones, which meant we'd be in the first theater where the actual Q&A would be held! :D

At around five I had to pee so badly and went to Starbucks where it was very hot and stuffy and the wait for the bathroom was pretty long. So I didn't exactly enjoy that. When I finally got out, I saw some other people from the line further up talking on the phone and then running back towards the theater. I panicked because I thought the event was starting earlier than expected (it was supposed to start at seven and this was just past five) so ran back as well. Let me just say, not so easy to do wearing a mini-skirt. Turns out they were just being stupid and getting everyone in an uproar because, no, we weren't being allowed in yet, but now we had nowhere to sit because we had put everything in our friend's car as we knew it wouldn't fit underneath our seats in the theater. I was too damn tired to stand up so had to (awkwardly) sat on the floor. At just before seven the cast showed up, but I couldn't see a damn thing as we were too far back and I'm very short, even with those boots on! A woman in the apartment building across from us stuck her head out and waved a British Flag that got everyone all excited and cheering her! As we moved further up the line a cat poked its head outside the third story window which had our group cheering at our own inside joke. We finally got inside and needless to say I absolutely flipped when I saw Steven Moffat and Murray Gold just stood there chilling and talking in the lobby of the theater! Seriously, OHMYGOD! I walked past them in awe. The next day I told Murray, through twitter, that I had seen him and was tempted to say 'hi' he replied: you should have done! <3 When we reached the one we would be in, they gave us free Doctor Who logo hats! And I don't care that they're too big. Our seats were up pretty far, but I didn't care because we were in the same theater that they were going to be in! I got so damn excited when someone started doing the Master's four beats! EVERYONE joined in, it was amazing. :D They showed a trailer of all the shows shown on BBC America and I was so giddy when everyone cheered for the Law and Order: UK one!

I will NOT spoil the episodes for any of you, but let me just say that it received a standing ovation for well over a minute. When the cast and crew came out, one of the writers said that she'd much rather watch the episodes with an American audience than a British one because we were much more vocal. Which had Steven going: Oh god, there goes our UK fans! Haha! The Q&A felt too short for me, with some odd questions. I do agree that they should have screened the questions before they were asked. A lot were directed towards Steven, which wasn't too surprising. Alex seemed in awe of everything going on, clearly she hasn't been to an event like this before! It was over far too soon and that was it, 19 hours of waiting on line and it was all done. That definitely left a sad feeling inside of me, not only because the cast were gone, but because I was leaving all of my new best friends. We all promised to stay in touch!

Getting the subway back to Penn Station (after making a call to my dad to make sure that we were taking the right ones) we had a little while to wait before our train got there. We got some much needed food. We scarfed it down rather quickly once we got on the train before I promptly passed out. We had been up for over thirty hours at this point! But I kept walking up thinking we had missed our stop (even though it's the last one). At one point I had my eyes open but was still dreaming in a way and thought I saw the reflection of The Silence in the window. Which, after watching the episodes, will certainly make you understand why I freaked the fuck out! When we got off the train it was close to midnight and I just knew I could NOT get up in seven hours and go to work. My body and throat were sore and I really had no voice. I set my alarm for 6:45 so I could wake up and leave a message on our job's answering machine to say I wouldn't be in. But it wasn't turned on! So I kept setting my alarm clock for every few minutes so I could keep trying to call and tell someone I wasn't coming in! It finally worked at 7:30 and I realized I had no voice at all! It's slowly getting better now, but I keep forgetting how raspy it is and shock myself when I talk! Haha

So, over all, this was one of the best experiences of my life. And without hesitation about being on line for 19 hours or more, I'd do it again in a heart beat! In fact, I sort of am! They're having another screening in Brooklyn on Tuesday. But this one you had to buy tickets for (only five bucks!) My sister and I are going and will be dressed up as the Comic Relief Amies again! Now, onto all of the pictures we took and were taken of us!

Here are the ones I took!

Here are the ones people took of us!

PS We're also in the BBC America video they took of the event!

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You can see the back of our heads right at the beginning. Then us chanting at 1:07 (you have to pause at the right moment) our friend also does her famous Weeping Angels face! And then chanting inside the theater at 2:09! Woooo! And that is all! You get a cookie if you made it through all of this.

real life, doctor who

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