SUNDAY:chinatown, cny.TILL 3PM.
MONDAY:museum with mel,nat,kev,tina,and tonight!TILL 7PM.
TUESDAY:kings plaza with dad,sharon,and kim.TILL 5PM.
WEDNESDAY:ave u with grams,kim, and don. party tonight!TILL 11PM.
THURSDAY:home all day. homework.
FRIDAY:finish all hw. ghost whisperer. MISSED IT.
SATURDAY:mall with danielle and juliette. amanda and the people i saw :D
SUNDAY:zac posen studio with mom. party tonight! KIMBERLY'S BIRTHDAY
i accidentally deleted the videos on my cameras.
i saw this cutie outisde my house :D
and i rarely call any girl or guy a cutie or hot.
i think i'm high.
and he lives down the block :O
i can't believe i'm moving.
from tonight:
something random at melissa's
in front of mel's house. i was kind of "wasted".
comment pics on
myspace. what's it like being hated by kiki fans? :D
full from myspc caption. it's like 1 am.
big big feet. xD