Honey Amber

Apr 19, 2011 22:30

I miss our beautiful Amber a lot, so I wanted to get down some memories:

* the round puff that came right to Dad, and all the puppies were so roly they were like balls to pick up
* when she got sucked under the log at White Clay Creek
* Dad having to carry her over the mesh bridge at the creek behind Downes
* Duke stealing the sticks that Amber would swim out and fetch
* She'd toss her head and loll her tongue and do that hop-step, "come here!" head beckon when she was happy and we talked to her
* following everything with her eyebrows
* eating bees
* we couldn't see her in her jungle, even if it was just a leafless winter twig disguising her mammoth barrel body
* how much she loved peanut butter
* sleeping with Cloie
*Amber and popcorn, and resting her head on Dad's footrest
* pulling our sled when we were little
* ROUS (Rodent of Unusual Size)
* reading books with the dogs in their dryer-vent doghouse
* the night Dad came looking for me and I was sleeping on the dog's bed
* talking to her from the kitchen window to the backyard and she'd perk her ears up into little bumps and bark back
* covered in bows at Christmas
* always under Mom's feet in the kitchen
* when she was sick, and she tried so hard to get up the steps to the dining room when the whole family was eating dinner together
* Amber, then Macy, then Cloie sitting in descending order in the kitchen, waiting for treats
* she used to love piles of leaves, and the one person's grass on the way to the field
* she would stick her nose in the snow and eat chunks of snow, then come up with a white nose
* bandanas and bows when she would come back from the groomers, and she looked so proud and happy
* cats playing with Amber's tail
* she'd always hit the family with her paw to make sure she kept getting petted if someone tried to stop

I made this list yesterday after founding out that she died. Dad told me after work yesterday evening,a nd after washing off the day and the news in a shower, I sat on the front porch with pen, paper, a glass of wine, and reminisced about my favorite dog while watching the sunset. I really miss my bear.

On a separate note, this was a very good wine. Not elegant, just has a nice taste - it was yellowtail's shiraz-grenache, and it being yellowtail means its on the inexpensive side. I'll be buying another bottle tomorrow.

I was sad, and Wes showed up that evening. He sat down beside me on the porch and I leaned my head on his shoulder for a bit. He prescribed Friends as the perfect medicine, so we sat on the couch with season 3 and I snuggled up with my guy. I didn't expect to, but I laughed, and felt much better at the close of the evening.
I made a photo album of all the good Amber pictures I could find, pulling from my computer, my phone, and everyone's facebook.
In particular, there is a picture of Amber with dad on the deck and another of her being petted by mom that make me smile, and remind me that she was a special one to each member of the family individually. Home won't be the same.

I love you, Ambies.
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