(no subject)

May 01, 2006 12:06

i just got back from the most amazing event i've atended since two Aprils ago when I participated in the March of the Living. I, along with eight other friends spent the better part of our Saturday driving through six states to get to Washington D.C. Sunday, i went to a brunch for the Panim alumnai (thats where i first heard about Darfur) where we discusses topics relevant to the horrific genocide currently happening in Darfur. After the brunch, I met back up with my 'clan' on the mall in front of the nation's capitol to rally against the genocide happening in Sudan. IT WAS AMAZING! there are no words to describe all of the things i saw happening around me and all of the people that showed up from all walks of life to support this one cause. There must have been fifteen different points during that day when i just wanted to break down and cry. i wanted to cry because i was so happy that all these people were here and CARED, i wanted to cry because i am so mortified at what is happening to these poeple, and i wanted to cry because i'm just not doing enough. For those of you who dont know what's goping on, darfur is in the northern part of Africa and it is in the western part of a reagion called Sudan. many years ago, the british (and i think one other group) went in to try and restore the african government. after many years, they retreated, leaving all of the power in the northern part of the country. this immediately began a civil war between the north and south for power and through this whole ordeal sudan was somehow left out of it all. they needed food, medicine, shelter, help.. and they were just forgotten. eventually, people began to rebel and fight back. it has now turned from a black v. white issue into a muslim v. christian issue and there is a 'cleansing' going on to rid africa of particular groups through genocide. Not only are human beings being killed, but there is a new form of 'genocide' occurring which the world has never seen before and that is using rape as a tool so that women wil have 'whiter' children. it's sick!
After having been to the rally and seen the commeraderie among us and how strong we are when we come together as one united family, i have decided that we are just not doing enough. there are so many ways that we can help and we have all of the resources right here!! why arent we using them!?!?!? i dont even know where to begin. i urge everyone to call the many hotlines and sign all the postcards that go to the whitehouse to demand an immediate action (if not sooner!) i would also ask that you look around your school to see if you have a S.T.A.N.D. (Students Taking Action Now: Darfur) program already set up and become active in it.. if you do not have an organization, let me know and i'll help you out! we really can do this - i'm positive, we just need the driving force of every voice behind this campaign. I'm going to look into getting shirts that say "stop the genocide" and i think i have to order a minimum of 12 so if you want on, please let me know.. i will get back to you on color and price. if you can think of any other way to turn our support into a real action, let me know.. i'm there!!!!!

ok.. backing off a bit... CYFKc was amazing! i'm sorry it was my last one. those kids are so adorable, i just want to take them all home (we all did). the theme was pirates and ninjas unite and so the whole week i was dressed as a pirate with my fellow shipmates and the ninjas were all looking very stylish and speedy... we made ninja stars, treasure chests, headbands, and played so many themed games. we also had davey the clown come do a show for us and the childrens science museum do a presentation on dry ice (the counselors were loving it WAY more than the kids cuz we were trying to figure out the physics of it all!)
it was jut an incredible week...

so we drove all night to get back in town for work this morning and i'm running on about 8 hours of sleep (from the entire weekend!) and after the rally im both super pumped and drained.... im in a weird funk-mode right now.. i think im going to go do something... lol
ta ta for now!!!!
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