The Light Bulb Metaphor

Mar 21, 2005 21:31

I set my alarm clock for six am and surprisingly, I wasn't tired when I woke up. So I brush my teeth and wash my face and blah blah blah....I go back to my room, turn on my computer, and try to turn on my lamp. It doesn't work and I immediately think, ohmigod, my light bulb burned out somehow overnight (when the lamp was off). Usually I wouldn't be freaked out, but I thought about it symbolically. Light bulb. Represents intelligence, mind perhaps?? And it decides to burn out the morning of my Chem Final. Great. I'm probably the most superstitious person I know.

Chem Final - Darn Heyduk. He really needs to get laid. Let's get him a woman. Do you know anybody who would want to date a Chem professor who looks like Matt Damon? I hear university professors make a lot of money. . . Anyway, he stands at the front of the lecture hall and announces that our exam consists of 74 questions. I literally let out a sigh of relief, because he had warned us before that the exam consisted of about 80 to 100 questions. What a bastard. He especially looks shabby with an unshaven face, and in jeans and a striped shirt. Why do exams turn him into such a bum?? Usually he's sort of cheerful and professional looking in slacks and stuff. Geez, if exams tire him out so much, what is he doing churning out a 74 question Chemistry final?? The other class had 36 questions and a page of bonus questions. 36!!! That's what I don't like about young teachers. They get all moody when they break up with their girlfriends. Here we go again. Another wacko Walenda. So there I am during the final, totally freaking out because I don't know what the formula of CFC-12(some type of chlorofluorocarbon)is. And no, it's not CFC. Anyway, Heyduk went around to my row to check IDs and as he was checking mine, I felt like scowling at him. However, I didn't because I'm too nice for that. So being about a foot away from him, I can confirm that he does look like Matt Damon/a catfish. Not pretty. Matt Damon's not even hot. Heyduk better not get any sexy chile ratings on, because that would be gross and I would have to personally take that guy/gal down. Oh, and the most memorable moment I have of this dreadful final is when Heyduk announced that only 15 minutes was left and I was on problem 40-something. Yeah. That sucked. I rushed through 30 questions in 15 minutes. Hopefully I'm as sharp as I hope I am.

Then I went back to my dormroom and felt like collapsing on my bed...but I chatted with a few friends and vented about the final. Then I decided to lie down and close my eyes, but all I could think of was the final and my gpa. Oh dear. Then I looked at WebReg...Hou's lecture is open, but not the discussion I need to get in. Darn it. Peter didn't call AS HE SAID HE WOULD, so I opened up my Bio book and started reading - in the dark. With Stephanie sleeping and my lamp not working, I had no light. Boy, that was fun.

Then I went to lunch with Emily, studied some more, and then had dinner with Emily. Hahaha, she's very very very awesome. We talked about boys and who I should ask to the semi-formal...but I don't think I'm going to ask any of the two. So yeah. I want a boyfriend now. Seriously.
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