Jan 20, 2011 21:33
*points and laughs at post title, for reasons no one will get. /lame*
YAY MY JOB'S CONFIRMED. Finally! Now I'll have a steady and nice job with very good pay <3 Just hope dad doesn't crash our lunches too often. Sharon and I were spazzing about it (and library books, among other stuff -__-) on the phone earlier. I wonder who else would be working with us - maybe that other DHS girl? Haha.
But I have to start in 2 weeks. Was hoping for next week, but sigh. I want to start working asap!!
Ah well. In the meantime, back to 'studying'! Finished reading 2 and a half books, and making some notes on anthropology as I go along. I'm avoiding the physical/archaeology part because it bores me D: But Sharon will kill me if I say that, so I've gotta at least try to read a bit of it. But the books are thiiick. .___.
Been entertaining myself with fanfic and random vids when I feel like it. WHEN IS FEBRUARY COMING?! I miss Glee. Dammit I'll be working when the episodes are broadcasted >< Still, must maintain my non-existent social life lol. Meeting XQ for lunch (and hopefully she'll join me for the tea session too <3), and going for the YA dinner with Jia Min next Thur! ♥ And possibly meeting Sharon to hunt for books again LOL. We fail at life.
Shall go back to my book.