
Feb 01, 2010 16:14

 Today has got to be the most fabulous day ever!

Last night I had decided to cook breakfast in the morning. I made a to-do list, planned everything out and went to bed a little after 5am. I planned on waking up around 10:15am. My lovely mother decides to call me at 9am and talk to me for almost an hour. At first I thought this was bad, but she brought greeeeeeaaaaaaaat news! I finally received my check from the bank which now means that I'm  fuckin balliin. Hells yea. Hahaha, anyways she kept me up and forced me awake so instead of going back to bed like I usually do, I simply started my day a little bit early. Now to you all you might think that this is something stupid to brag about, but you have to realize that most of the time I oversleep my classes, wake up around 2 and pretty much suck at life. Hahah, my roommate was in the bathroom when I woke up, so when she came in the room I was on the phone completely functioning. "MALISSA! You're awake!", "I know, I'm surprised myself.".

I cooked breakfast this morning and washed my dishes. Took out the trash and recycling bin and now I have money for laundry! For breakfast, I opted for a more traditional route and made tamagoyaki, rice, and miso soup. I almost felt refreshed when I tasted the soup, I haven't had miso soup in awhile so it's flavor was very refreshing. I was a little worried when making the tamagoyaki because I thought I'd added to much soy sauce, so I sprinkled a little sugar on top of the roll and it tasted delicious! Lately I've been thinking about seriously studying about cooking.

I ate and chilled out, watched some Arashi vids before class. Then at class I just spaced out lol, left early. I'll do my homework later! I went to the mail room and what a huge surprise! I FINALLY got the package I'd been waiting for! I have all my clothes now and my paycheck from work! Quick story, during christmas break I brought laundry to a friends house the day before I left back for school and forgot it there. So I had it mailed to me, and it finally came! Along with my paycheck which was bigger than I expected. Pluuus, to my huge surprise Lola Adel sent me a birthday card (my first one!) with money in it! Which is the only way I take my cards hahaha. I bought juice and milk from the student center since I was running low. I've been in my dorm pretty much just chilling. I called around the school and got the clear to drop one of my classes, so now I'm not in animation anymore! I hated that teacher haha. Now I only have to focus on 4 classes. I'll be leaving soon to cash my check and birthday money. Hopefully my mom deposited my check from the bank in my account already. After that I'll be going to japanese class which is always amusing. My teacher is so cute! and I'll finally be able to buy subway!! Yess! I'll update tonight about the rest of my wonderful day.

Perhaps on my way back from class I'll pick up some ingredients to cook? Lately I've been missing home cooked food. The cafeteria and microwave can only take me so far before I get fed up.

Ja ne :)
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