(no subject)

Oct 05, 2006 00:57

Is it already october 5th? The days are flying by and Karu and I are still severely jet lagged. Every day, I feel really exhausted and all I want to do is lie in bed. I'm sure karu wants to do the same. He is really not himself and has been throwing tantrums. I feel that the crux of his tantrums is that he is out of whack, feeling strange in a new environment with different people, not being able to follow his daily routine. i'm sure that he is very overwhelmed and feeling anxious. He follows me all over the place and has to be either sitting on me or next to me. I cannot be too far away. it has also been difficult for him to adjust to my parents as well. I feel sorry for him but am also at a loss as to what to do. I would like to create some kind of a daily routine so that he knows what to expect every day but he has still not established a regular sleeping pattern yet.

The last few days, he has been sleeping a few hours here and there and only last night he managed to sleep at 6pm - 4am. After which he went back to sleep again at 8am - 11am. This evening, he told me that he wanted to go to sleep at 5pm. But when we went to bed, he would just lie there with his eyes open, not tossing or turning but just lying very still for about 1.5 hours. it felt really strange because usually he is always very active and to see him just lying in bed for so long with his eyes open threw me off. So I accompanied him.
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