I feel as if I'm always doing something these days, I'm never really just sitting still anywhere. I barely even watch tv anymore o.O; I'm always fidgeting with something in my apartment lol. Anyway #2 in the series that I'm putting together. These set of illustrations are just my way of getting green and plants into my apt, plants that I don't have maintain! Haaaa.
Luceat Lux Vestra is latin for 'Let your light shine.' A concept that keeps with the previous piece in the series
To dare is to do. This piece features a calligraphic L, for lupus (wolf) and lux (light).
My interpretation of this is to not always be a wallflower and be bold and put yourself out there. The world rewards the brave and daring. I know personally I was always one of those people who were shy and quiet but as I've grown older I'm come out of my shell a lot. That mostly came about from dealing with one too many assholes and coming to terms with the fact that if you want people to notice you, you need to put yourself out there. I believe this in every aspect of life, whether it be talking to the guy you like or doing self promotion. Doing self promotion is tough if you don't have an out going personality and if I want to get my work noticed I need to be more upfront.