We got a big storm here over the weekend and it left everything with a nice white blanket. Unfortunately now everything looks gross aha. But here are some pics from before they started shoveling and piling up the snow.
We got about 2 ft on Saturday all day and night
Oh sunday a lot of men and women were out shoveling their cars out or cleaning up the sidewalk in front of their homes
Actually some people still haven't really bothered to shovel out their cars. Days later a lot of cars still look like this.
My fav alley called Tryon. I've photographed this street in 3 outta 4 seasons. I've never done summer.
My other fav street ... I should check out the name next time I'm there. Its so quaint.
I photograph this house a lot, in the spring a giant cherry blossom tree blooms in front of it.
Pure powder!
A shoveled street
I love this horse things that were left from back in the day, like you know the 1770s hahaa.