
Apr 23, 2009 13:51

This article about Japan forcing and paying foreign workers to leave the country was posted by nikui yesterday and today its posted on ontd_political, the quote that seems to stand out to everyone is ...

“We should stop letting unskilled laborers into Japan. We should make sure that even the three-K jobs are paid well, and that they are filled by Japanese,” he said. “I do not think that Japan should ever become a multiethnic society.

He said the United States had been “a failure on the immigration front,” and cited extreme income inequalities between rich Americans and poor immigrants."

Now a lot of American politicians and pundits go on tv and complain about the immigrants DERRR TAKEEENNN OUR JERRRBBBSSSS!!!! So I don't think that kind of mentality is just some Japanese failure BUT the second part of the quote is just fucking moronic! If you know ANYTHING about American history, you know that this country was FOUNDED by immigrants, be it slaves or Europeans sailing away from religious oppression and then coming and killing off the original and real Americans ... the Natives Americans! I mean even Japan had natives! Then again Japan is kind of in denial about China having to do anything with their cultural development D: They all just magically came from the sea and learned to read and write on their own!

And frankly its not like japan has a billion people like China and they have a low birth rate, so how exactly is their population supposed to thrive in the future when the old are outnumbering the young? How do you do that without embracing and encouraging legal immigration?

Anyway in America there's a great divide between Baby Boomers and their culture wars regarding immigration and what Gen Yers and Xers think, so I wonder if in Japan there's also a divide like that. I mean its hard to comment on since I haven't lived there and seen and heard first hand what the younger generation thinks about immigration. But a few of you on my flist do live there so your perspective on this would be appreciated.

America is not ANTI-immigration, its anti-illegal immigration, I mean I'm an immigrant myself and I contribute to America via taxes and all that and I became a citizen last year and no one makes me feel any less American because I wasn't born here. I think that's one of the big things that separates America from the rest of the world and why immigrants flock here, its that you can become part of the American landscape if you become a citizen AND the fact that you're allowed to become a citizen in the first place is a right and privilege that immigrants of many other countries don't enjoy.

Immigrants have contributed immensely to America's culture and wealth be it through music, food, religion, language, etc and a lot of those influences have traveled abroad and influence other countries. And to his last point about the economical divide, there's a divide between the rich and the poor in GENERAL, it has little to do with whether they're an immigrant or not, all White people in this country aren't rich!

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