Mar 28, 2005 10:59
I'm back to the grind of working. So far the kids have been pretty decent considering they've been out of school for a week and I've somehow managed to stand upright and be coherent despite the fact that I've been on a night schedule for that same amount of time.
Breathing Florida air has become difficult. I about passed out when I left the air conditioned airport and tried to be outside. The humidity right now is enough to make a girl drown from breathing. Not that I was nutty about the cold in Toronto (as a certain heater that I spent a few hours clinging to the other night at Tim Hortons can attest to), but this is just ridiculous. I was just finally getting adjusted to the cold and now I'm back in the hot and sticky. I just KNOW I'm going to get sick again.
As far as vacations go this one may have been the most confusing one I've ever had. Some things that had been vague and unknown finally came to a head and I'm still trying to figure out how exactly to deal with them. Let's just say this trip left me changed and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to go on as I have been and act like nothing happened. What EXACTLY I'm going to do about everything is still a mystery, but I know I have to do something.
Change can be what's required, but that doesn't keep it from being scary.
But back to the overall vacation, I shall sum it up by saying the worst and best things that happened:
Best: The Vanessa Carlton concert that my little almost-brother Tom got me into on Saturday night. Damn, is she good live. Plus she has the funniest stage banter of anyone I've ever seen. It was just her and her piano and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Worst: Getting into MAJOR trouble for staying out super late Thursday night. How late, you ask? Oh... 9am late (is that more like staying out early?). I TOLD my parental units I'd get in after they got back from work, but I guess that wasn't enough. Needless to say that, despite being 25 AND not coming home inebriated (I was just out all night talking), I'm not going to be living this down any time soon.
It was a good trip. A confusing, confounding trip, but a good one nonetheless and it's taking all I have in me not to just break down crying I'm so homesick already.