[Akame] They do switch clothes! <3

Dec 11, 2007 22:40

Haha. I should be doing my assignments, but the Akame has higher priority in my life. Obviously. XDDD

Dear aureril,

I'm sorry that I'm posting about this without asking for your permission (since you're the one to *discover* this~~~). But I will write a fic for you as compensation if you want. You can have leopard!shibuya!Jin x sailorfuku!Kame. XD ...Or would you prefer blindfolded!Kame? Whatever floats your boat right now! XD


Alright, so do you guys still remember/have you guys heard about the rumor regarding Kame being spotted at a fall/winter fashion show 2006-2007 in Paris around March/June? (Supposedly, he went there with KyonKyon, but that's yet another issue) Kame, Japan's fashion leader no. 1, of course didn't return to Japan without adding new items to his wardrobe.

Look out for Kame's white tanktop that he was wearing for Best Jeanist 2007.

Surprisingly, Jin was wearing a grey tanktop with the same design in Yuukan Club episode 1.

These are the tanktops that were shown during the Number (N)ine FALL/WINTER COLLECTION 2007-2008 in Paris.

They're the same, Y/Y? :D

The important thing is, the black tanktop was the only one available in Japan by the time Yuukan Club started airing!

So... Where did Jin get his grey tanktop?

We (me and my friends LOL) had two different guesses:
1. Kame bought it for Jin and gave it to him as a birthday present (His trip to Paris was close to Jin's birthday after all).
2. Jin borrowed it from Kame.


NOW I think the second guess was correct because Kame was wearing the grey tanktop in Zoomin Super KAT-TUN interview 2007/12/11!

(BTW. The Zoomin Super KAT-TUN interview was SO MUCH LOVE. Even the female announcer noticed that Junno was the one they all picked on! XDDDDDD So cute! And Jin looked at Kame when he said "Let's go to America." *____* ♥) (And oh my gosh, I love Kame's fashion sense! A lot! ♥)

Random: I really want to go to the Paul Klee museum in Bern! But I'm also afraid to go at the same time because I might start behaving like a fangirl once I enter the museum. I'm such a fangirl! I noticed this when I visited the Sprengelmuseum today. I was jumping up and down like a little child and squeeing when I was standing in front of the paintings. But OMG I love his art so much! ♥♥♥ Should I ever see an original Gustav Klimt painting in RL I might even start crying because of JOY. I'm so pathetic. =____=;;

kat-tun, arts, incoherent, spazzzzz, matching items ftw, je, spaz, utter pwnage, i love this, my fangirly joy, omg, i'm a stalker, pics, my love, moe, akame, random

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