Title: It Happened Around July 2006...
Pairings: Akame
Genre: crack (is supposed to be crack)
Rating: PG-13 (imo. Some people who have read my fic tell me it's R, but I'm still like 'HUH? Are you kidding me?? This fic is SAFE!')
Summary: Jin is angry and he makes Kame say something he should not have said. Jin threatens Kame with something he got
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Comments 8
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Regarding the dirty thoughts and the Jin-in-convenience-store pic, once I misread "POPCORN" as "PORN" and I was like: "WHAT is Jin buying??" -__-U livejournal is making me have naughty thoughts which is not good because I used to be SUCH a good girl. *looks around innocently* LMAO
And for the rating... maybe Pg-13 is right... at least if you do not include my imagination...
But you did not explain the REAl story of the no blowing sign... maybe I should... THAt much about you and innocent....XP
Oh o/c I ll steel the icon and all the pics...
this is good...XD
PLS TO CONTINUE! I'm curious about Kame's planned comeuppance for Jin xD
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