(Tell me if this needs an LJ-cut)
Hm, first attempt (?) at making bentou. It was a lot of fun to decorate it. ♥ I ate the rest of what was left for dinner, and will be eating this bentou for lunch tomorrow.
Aah, procrastination is a wonderful thing. It makes you do things you would not do otherwise. ♥
I can already foresee the post whining about how much I have to do and how impossible it is to get everything done on time. It will probably follow tomorrow or the day after.
I'm the living example of a procrastinating libra.
Two Kame things:
1) If Kame wants to seduce someone, he should seduce Jin, not Fujigaya or Senga. *DIES* Fujigaya always sounds so awkward whenever he's mentioned with Kame in the con repos (e.g. Kame dancing face to face with him, giving him looks, causing Fujigaya to be embarrassed and turn away from him. Or making Fujigaya hold onto his mic while changing his clothes?). Goodness, Kame, stop, or I'll start shipping you two for real.
2) Shounen Club Premium with Matsuoka Masahiro (2008.04.20): I AM CRYING WITH LAUGHTER. CRYING. OH GOD. KAME. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE? Mabo's imitation of offscreen!Kame is priceless. T_T♥ And maybe Kame can't really hold his liquor after all. AHAHAHA. OH GOD, SO CUTE. JSDGJSHKFd ♥
(I'm also LOL-ing at Mabo mentioning Morita in a way as if he belonged to KinKi Kids.)