Yes, yes, this is another one of your Kame birthday posts. Belated, oh well. XD
Yeah, stay sexy, Kame-chan, just like that. ♥
I'm probably going to get bricked for saying it but I really miss your skinny 蛇腰, which is gone since you started boxing. ): I thought that was one of your main charm points. LOL
I guess you've finished shooting OPG by now. I hope that you had a great birthday (with your friends and maybe the people from OPG?) and didn't sleep through it. LOL
Please take care of the laughing Elmo (?) Nakamaru gave you as a present and don't wreck it like the last toy you got, or so I've heard. Are you still taking good care of the four lamb plushies you share a bed with? You better.
... I still can't believe that you're already 22.
Hope all goes well for DBs this time, too. Like, no major injuries and stuff.
That's all. I think?
You're never going to read this, so that's why I can say it all without second thoughts. LOL
(And, to ease AK's mind, no, I didn't send Kame a birthday card this year.)
PS.: ♥ & more ♥