Dear f-list, I am nothing but a procrastinator

Feb 15, 2008 01:28

... who will probably fail to get everything done on time.

Yeaaah, let's see. Hey, I have four more days to study for the next exam, re-build the building form for Building Theory and finish the assignment for Allplan.

Yeaaah, life is great. *snorts*

Um, anyway.

I got so sick and tired of the work I have to do and I started... doodling. And then I scanned the drawings and started coloring one of them. *ROFL* It took me hours to remember how to create a transparent image with Photoshop. I was on the complete wrong track thinking it had something to do with paths. In the end I googled for a tutorial and found out that what I needed were, in fact, the channels. *smacks self*

The result be this:

Excuse me for the awkward proportions, I drew it in, like, 10 mins. I'm lol-ing so much at Kame's mouth and Jin's not even looking at the camera as he's supposed to do. Well, sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't! HE'S MONA LISA! *gets whacked* NOW, FIND MORE AWKWARDNESS IN THIS PIC PLEASE! \:D/

BTW. The quote I added is hilarious in its full version. It actually goes like this: "When two men share an umbrella, they get wet." /fufufu

While I was editing the pic I couldn't resist the urge to sing "UNTER DEINEN SCHIRMEN, BIN ICH VOR DEN STÜRMEN, ALLER FEINDE FREI~~~!" (Under Thy shelter, before the tumult am I free of all enemies) (I think I was singing it because of the word "Schirm" (umbrella). XDD;)

Erm, this song. Yes. I can only sing the alto (actually second soprano I believe) part though. *facepalm* I feel like such a freak and I'm not even Christian. XDDDD;

Last, but not least, I just want to send out lots of love to my f-list. Especially to those who're having a hard time right now. )))): I'm sorry that I don't really have time to comment so I'm making this post instead.

To ALL of you:

~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :)

damn it, music, rl, friends, misa fails -_-, i guess that i'm a freak, pics, if this is life then i don't want it, akame, fuck life, fanart, random

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