Guess it's time for an update!

May 10, 2016 16:48

No one probably checks this much, since I dropped off the face of the earth for a while there, but just in case.

Long story short, I'm finally in the home stretch to getting a place to live I can actually afford. I sent the pre-approval papers in last week. Of course, it says the turnaround is up to 12 weeks for the next step (in-person interview, probably to make sure I'm not gonna trash the place). But at least I'm that much closer.

And that seems to have knocked down the last bit of the dam in my creativity, so everything is finally flooding out. Of course, it's heavily weighted on the lemon side, but that's something else I've had to re-embrace.

I like writing smut, and I like to think I'm decent at it. It's my go-to for getting back into writing. I'd just.. I guess lost sight of who I am as a writer for a while. So while there are some remnants clinging to my psyche, I'm getting back in the swing of things.

My epic fic ideas keep jockeying for position since they've been hanging out for roughly a year, so right now I'm focusing on entries for "First Tweak" until they make up their mind as to which one I'm supposed to take and run with.

They say time heals all wounds, and I guess this is proof positive. :)

apartment, life, writing

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