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tinybars August 3 2008, 21:28:29 UTC


misao_duo August 3 2008, 21:30:53 UTC

You don't know how happy I am that you started this with that.


tinybars August 3 2008, 21:34:21 UTC
I swear, I feel like replying a hundred times with huge, sparkly font. And pictures. Lots of those.


Also, I love that you tagged this akame


misao_duo August 3 2008, 21:49:44 UTC
Replying a hundred times with huge, sparkly font is what I need want you to do. The moar the better.

And yes, it is tagged akame because it's yet another reason to love him because it's my 'fandom' tag and I don't have a 'KAT-TUN' one. my shame D: and akame includes Kame and...dasojd why am I explaining myself? XD


Kame = Bliss tinybars January 6 2011, 02:45:24 UTC
ok, i understand tht these posts r all ancient... but iv just about come across this page... n i CANT TELL U HOW FANTASTICALLY HAPPY i am!!!:)

Arigatou, minna san! :)

right, so now, about kame...
some of the pictures on this page, of kame, they sooooo BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL! i cant stand it! hes just sooooooooo absolutely perfect to no end! he gives the 'greek gods' who r sposed to be the pinnacle of awesomeness a run for their money! :)
gosh! his skin! its just soo FLAWLESS!!! obv, theres make-up on his face, but still...
hes SUCH a brilliant actor! ryu, hiroto, shuuji( not fully done with NwP )... right now m doin a marathon viewing of all his dramas!:D
oh n his dorky laugh! its jut toooooooooo adorable!!!
he seems lk such an introvert, but wen he smiles or laughs, its for REAL!
OMG! how could i forget! his hair!!! soooo MEGATASTICALLY lovely, u cant take ur eyes off!
n of course his eyes... so genuine...:)
every morning i get up, thinking, 'Oh wow! another day of kame-ness... this is bliss!!!:)'
ok, theres one thing i REALLY dont like abt kame, the fact tht he smokes...:( but then u kno wat, normally im the type who just wont stand smokers, but in some crazy twisted way, i thought kame looked good(even hot actually) in thnk even wen he was smoking!!! but thts something i still dont like!
fab dancer.
super baseball player.
how much can one person be? as much as kame is. (i dont think tht last one came out very well, in my head, i know wat im talking abt!:P)


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