An Update

Jan 23, 2012 17:47

I haven't posted here in ages, and I feel rather badly about that. My professors this quarter, particularly my Creative Writing prof, are sadists. Seriously. I have so much homework I feel like pulling my hair out. But I keep telling myself that it will all pay off. Not only that, but this is the second to last quarter of actual coursework; the final quarter is summer and that will consist solely of an internship.

I went today for my initial exam at the dentist's office. I got 8 X-rays (after trying fruitlessly to remove my earrings, most of which just wouldn't budge), and I get to start having extractions on the 13th of February. The only major drawback so far is that two of my wisdom teeth are so impacted that I have to see an oral surgeon about them, but I expected that, so it doesn't bother me too much. As soon as my insurance authorizes it, we get to start the process of making my dentures. FINALLY. :-)

I know that this is not going to be fun. I will be in pain. I will hate having impressions done. But..I thought I would loathe having 8 X-rays, and really it went fantastically. So some of it might be less awful than I will expect. I will probably hate getting used to wearing the dentures. But seriously it will all be worth it. That is what I keep telling myself, because it's true.

I don't know who visits El Jay anymore, but if you do, please keep me in your thoughts for the next few months. Thank you. :-)


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